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  • How security in space helps Europe to cope with crises on Earth

How security in space helps Europe to cope with crises on Earth

Written by  Wednesday, 26 April 2023 08:25
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ESA acts to protect government data image

Keeping information and infrastructure secure is essential in a proposed rapid and resilient space-based system that will enable European governments to respond to crises caused by climate change as well as malicious attacks on power supplies and other vital services.

Experts are meeting today at the biggest European event dedicated to cybersecurity for the space industry to discuss the next steps.

ESA has a long track record as a trusted partner in security for space with its member states and the European Commission. It is now working with the European Commission to create a highly secure, satellite-enabled connectivity system called Iris2.

Iris2 – which stands for Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite – will deliver enhanced communication capacities to EU governments and businesses.

Christophe Allemand from ESA will tell delegates at the cybersecurity for the space industry conference in Paris about ESA’s role and contributions to this European Commission initiative and how ESA has supported European space companies for many years to prepare for this development.

Iris2 will use technologies including quantum cryptography to keep European information secure.

Laurence Duquerroy will speak about ESA’s initiative to develop the technologies needed to mitigate the evolving cyber threats to satellite communication systems.

She will emphasise how European space companies can use cybersecurity to increase their returns on investment, as well as how ESA can support the development of secure satellite communication products. Finally she will highlight that satellite communications can foster a cyber-resilient society through technologies such as quantum key distribution and the secure routing of sensitive data via satellite networks.

The conference is due to conclude on 27 April.

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