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  • Wanted: new ideas to live off Moon resources

Wanted: new ideas to live off Moon resources

Written by  Thursday, 20 April 2023 05:06
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The possibility to reliably and efficiently excavate lunar regolith and the subsequent removal of unwanted materials within the regolith is the first step towards In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) and sustained human presence on the Moon.

Making use of the very first resources of another world would be a major feat for our species, bringing us closer to living in space to stay. But reaching such a milestone will take sustained inventiveness and effort – so ESA invites your ideas to help make it happen.

Inaugural Space Resources Challenge involved rovers for prospecting
Inaugural Space Resources Challenge involved rovers for prospecting

The gaps that this call will help identify will serve as the basis to define the themes of the next ESA and ESRIC Space Resources Challenges, following on from the initial joint challenge looking into the use of rovers to prospect resources.

The solutions identified via the various challenges that participants will help us define could, in the future, be tested on the ISRU Pilot Plant, an end-to-end terrestrial demonstrator plant intended to validate all necessary ISRU steps in practical terms, on Earth, and then, potentially one day, in space.

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