ESA’s Boost! programme is designed to help entrepreneurs and their consortia developing launch services or in-orbit transportation and return-from-space capabilities. While building on the benefits of ESA partnership, they retain overall technical and commercial authority and responsibility for the services they are developing.
The new Boost! call for proposals has been published on esa-star, ESA’s System for Tendering And Registration, and is accessible for registered users here. Registration on esa-star is mandatory for all wishing to do business with ESA. To initiate the tendering process, interested industries are invited to submit an Outline Service Proposal to ESA on its Open Space Innovation Platform, OSIP.
At ESA’s 2022 ministerial-level meeting in Paris, member States decided to enhance opportunities for the European commercial space sector by expanding the Boost! programme. With more participating Member States and increased funding, ESA is extending its support to help the European commercial space transportation sector turn new and innovative space transportation service concepts into commercial reality.