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  • ESA’s site for laser and quantum links marks 25 years

ESA’s site for laser and quantum links marks 25 years

Written by  Friday, 18 November 2022 11:30
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ESA's Optical Ground Station

ESA’s Optical Ground Station, perched high on the slopes of Tenerife’s Mount Teide volcano, has now been peering skyward for a quarter of a century. Originally designed for laser-based communications with satellites, it is today additionally employed for tracking space debris and near-Earth asteroids as well as supporting world-class science: this year’s Physics Nobel Prize winner used the station for a quantum teleportation experiment that extended to the neighboring island of La Palma.

Visiting the OGS
Visiting the OGS

The Optical Ground Station, OGS, is a cryogenically-cooled 1-m diameter telescope within a domed observatory, equipped with a titanium-sapphire laser and state-of-the-art photon detectors to pick up optical communication signals from either low or geostationary orbit. The OGS is hosted at Teide Observatory, operated by Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, IAC, up at 2 400 m altitude, well above the cloud layer, and at the closest to the equator of any ESA Member State territory.

Managers from ESA’s Mechanical Department and experts from its Opto-Electronics section, responsible for managing OGS, met with IAC representatives to mark the silver anniversary and discuss the future role of the OGS.

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