To prepare Europe for future decision making on Space-Based Solar Power, ESA has proposed a preparatory programme for Europe, initially named SOLARIS, for the upcoming ESA Council at Ministerial Level in November 2022.
Space-based solar power is a potential source of clean, affordable, continuous, abundant and secure energy. This basic concept has been given fresh urgency by the need for new sources of clean and secure energy to aid Europe’s transition to a Net Zero carbon world by 2050. If Europe wants to benefit from this game-changing capability then we need to start investing now.
ESA has undertaken two cost vs. benefit studies on “Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) for terrestrial energy needs” together with Roland Berger and Frazer-Nash. These two studies were completed in August 2022 and you can read the full results on the ESA website.
The European Space Agency - ESA has just released a new Request for Information for Breakthrough Technologies for Space-based Solar Power (#SBSP) for internal planning purposes and preparation of the SOLARIS proposal for CM22: