Tuesday 12 October 16:00–17:00: Blending New Space Technologies
Discussions in this session focus on the ‘space silo mentality’ and how to break down the traditional barriers.
The event features high-level decision-makers from ESA’s Earth Observation Programme, Telecommunication and Integrated Application and Navigation directorates, together with ESA’s Director General and representatives from different industries. They will discuss key elements in European strategy to develop a strong New Space sector across the technological borders of space, such as the Space Connectivity programme, the Destination Earth initiative, Copernicus and more – and the key roles that ESA and industry can play.
Over the course of the week, the event, as a whole, will highlight how the New Space economy is developing in Europe alongside fierce competition worldwide, and how it can contribute to the EU Green Deal, Digital Europe Programme, Destination Earth initiative, UN Sustainable Development Goals and, in general, in context with the EU Space Strategy and the European space sector.
This is the fourth edition of Φ-week, but looking back at previous editions, it is clear that Φ-week can claim numerous successes. For example, the focus of the 2019 edition was artificial intelligence and just two years later, at Φ-week 2021, the first image was presented from the Φ-sat-1 mission, the first AI technology carried on a European Earth observation mission. Last year, Digital Twin Earth took centre stage, and this concept is now flourishing with ESA and partners in the process of making it a reality for the benefit of a green and digital Europe.
Remember to tune into ESA’s Web TV to get a ringside seat of these two sessions selected to be livestreamed.