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While challenging economic conditions this year will hit some space companies harder than others, the industry as a whole is expected to remain robust as multiple headwinds rock the sector.

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Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

The European Commission will present a strategy to bolster the EU's security and defence efforts in space in March, Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton said Tuesday, with Russia's war in Ukraine raising tensions in space.

Moscow's invasion last year led to Europe and Russia calling off their previously close cooperation in space, delaying a range of missions and affecting European efforts to launch satellites.

"In the current geopolitical context, we need to enhance the Union's strategic posture to be able to defend our interests, protect our space systems and services and become a more assertive space power," Breton told the opening of the European Space Conference in Brussels.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell called Russia's invasion of Ukraine a "wake-up call", saying that the bloc needs to examine "how space assets and services are crucial" to common European action.

A little less than 10 percent of the roughly 5,500 satellites currently orbiting the globe are run by militaries, Borrell said.

"But many others are dual use and they provide critical information to support our security and defence," he added.

Breton said Europe's space strategy would be based on four pillars.

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Galileo constellation

Galileo’s capabilities have grown with the addition of a new High Accuracy Service, freely available worldwide to anyone with a suitably equipped receiver. Delivering horizontal accuracy down to 20 cm and vertical accuracy of 40 cm, the High Accuracy Service is enabled through an additional level of real-time positioning corrections, delivered through a new data stream within the existing Galileo signal. 

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Thales Alenia Space has signed a contract to develop quantum technologies in another push by the European Space Agency to use the behavior of subatomic particles to make communications more secure.

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A startup has raised $2.5 million in seed funding to further development of a software system to make it easier for companies to operate satellite constellations.

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ESA and the European Commission sign CopPhil initiative

ESA and the European Commission have signed a contribution agreement to build a Copernicus mirror site in the Philippines – the first of its kind in southeast Asia. The new CopPhil initiative will enhance the response capability and resilience of the Philippines to natural and human made disasters through the strategic use of space data. This will help reduce vulnerability of the nation to climate hazards, support climate adaption, food security and environmental protection.

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Starship WDR

SpaceX conducted a fueling test of its full Starship launch vehicle Jan. 23, taking the vehicle one step closer to its first orbital launch attempt.

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Orion's European Service Module for Artemis: propulsion overview Image: Orion's European Service Module for Artemis: propulsion overview
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A space antenna farm amid the Ardennes forest

ESA has formed a formidable partnership with the EU to secure the future of Europe in space, developing Earth observation, navigation, secure connectivity and space entrepreneurship, people attending the 15th European space conference held on 24 and 25 January in Brussels will hear.

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Perth, Australia (SPX) Jan 24, 2023
A vast amount of rocks and other material are hurtling around our Solar System as asteroids and comets. If one of these came towards us, could we successfully prevent the collision between an asteroid and Earth? Well, maybe. But there appears to be one type of asteroid that might be particularly hard to destroy. Asteroids are chunks of rocky debris in space, remnants of a more violen
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London, UK (SPX) Jan 23, 2023
Is the Milky Way special, or, at least, is it in a special place in the Universe? An international team of astronomers has found that the answer to that question is yes, in a way not previously appreciated. A new study shows that the Milky Way is too big for its "cosmological wall", something yet to be seen in other galaxies. The new research is published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronom
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Washington DC (SPX) Jan 24, 2023
Today's glass-based ground and space telescopes are limited in their ability to provide resolved imagery of objects in geostationary orbit, 36,000 kilometers above earth. The cost to build and maintain complex optics large enough to effectively track items at that distance is prohibitive. Another key limitation of space-based telescopes is the escalating probability of in-orbit debris causing da
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Washington DC (SPX) Jan 18, 2023
DARPA has selected Aurora Flight Sciences to move into the detailed design phase of the Control of Revolutionary Aircraft with Novel Effectors (CRANE) program. This follows successful completion of the project's Phase 1 preliminary design, which resulted in an innovative testbed aircraft that used active flow control (AFC) to generate control forces in a wind tunnel test. Phase 2 will focu
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Ramat Gan, Israel (SPX) Jan 24, 2023
Matter outflows in the form of jets are observed in astronomical systems at fast, medium and slow speeds. The fastest jets are highly relativistic, namely travel very close to the speed of light. The origin, as well as many properties of the jets, is uncertain. One of the puzzles, that jet velocities seem to have a bi-modal distribution - some very fast and others slow, with a gap in velocities

A new model for dark matter

Tuesday, 24 January 2023 04:10
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Ann Arbor MI (SPX) Jan 24, 2023
Dark matter remains one of the greatest mysteries of modern physics. It is clear that it must exist, because without dark matter, for example, the motion of galaxies cannot be explained. But it has never been possible to detect dark matter in an experiment. Currently, there are many proposals for new experiments: They aim to detect dark matter directly via its scattering from the constitue
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