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Moscow (Sputnik) Feb 02, 2021
Tensions between the US and Iran have been especially high ever since Trump in 2018 withdrew from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and reinstated harsh sanctions against Iran. The JCPOA stipulated that Iran would receive waivers from sanctions if it agreed to limit its nuclear programme. Iran on Monday shared a video of its new domes
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Washington DC (UPI) Feb 3, 2021
Elon Musk's SpaceX plans to launch two Starlink communications satellite cluster missions from Florida in one day Thursday - the first time in history for such a feat by a launch company. The first launch is planned at 1:19 a.m. EST from Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, followed by another just over four hours later at 5:36 a.m. EST from Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Ce
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Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany (SPX) Feb 04, 2021
In the event of a forest fire, flash flooding or a landslide, how can firefighters and rescue workers get to the disaster site as quickly as possible? What measures need to be taken? What lessons can be learned from past disasters? The HEIMDALL project provides answers via a digital platform that collects all of this information. At the virtual final presentation of the project, the benefi

A fine-grained view of dust storms

Wednesday, 03 February 2021 07:55
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Thuwal, Saudi Arabia (SPX) Feb 04, 2021
A satellite-based dataset generated by KAUST researchers has revealed the dynamics of dust storm formation and movements over the last decade in the Arabian Peninsula. Analysis of this long-term dataset reveals the connection between the occurrence of extreme dust events and regional atmospheric conditions, a finding that could help improve weather forecasting and air-quality models. Dust

Falcon 9 launches Starlink satellites

Wednesday, 03 February 2021 07:27
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Falocn 9 Starlink launch

WASHINGTON — SpaceX successfully launched another set of Starlink satellites Feb. 4 in the first of back-to-back Falcon 9 launches scheduled from Cape Canaveral.

The Falcon 9 rocket lifted off at 1:19 a.m. Eastern from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

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Washington DC (SPX) Feb 04, 2021
NASA is working on various science instruments and technology experiments from the agency that will operate on the Moon once American companies on Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) contracts deliver them to the lunar surface. Through CLPS flights, NASA is buying a complete commercial robotic lunar delivery service and does not provide launch services, own the lander or lead landing operat

Mission control at work in Houston

Wednesday, 03 February 2021 04:48
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Houston TX (SPX) Feb 04, 2021
A peak into NASA's Mission Control in Houston: what looks like a coffee break is actually ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen (centre) hard at work, guiding NASA astronauts Mike Hopkins and Victor Glover via radio during last week's spacewalk. Spacewalkers are in constant contact with just one person during a spacewalk. This 'ground IV' is a fellow astronaut who is experienced with every proced
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Washington (AFP) Feb 3, 2021
Bill Gates set out to heal the world. His Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen bought sports teams. Ted Turner raced yachts. And Donald Trump went into politics. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, plans to build rockets and save the planet. Bezos, 57, is the latest in a line of corporate titans who have stepped away from their day jobs to devote themselves to other activities
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New York (AFP) Feb 2, 2021
Tech billionaire Elon Musk said Tuesday he was taking a break from Twitter "for a while", after his posts on the platform helped fuel a stock market frenzy that sent the share prices of several companies soaring. Musk overtook Amazon boss Jeff Bezos to become the world's wealthiest person last month, with a fortune estimated at $185 billion following a nine-fold surge in Tesla's share price
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Beijing (XNA) Feb 04, 2021
China's Tianwen 1 Mars probe is set to enter the orbit of the red planet around Feb 10, two days before Chinese New Year, according to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, the nation's leading space contractor. The State-owned conglomerate said in a statement on Wednesday afternoon that the spacecraft will conduct a "braking" operation to decelerate and make sure it will be capture
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Washington DC (SPX) Feb 04, 2021
NASA and three international partners have signed a statement of intent to advance a possible robotic Mars ice mapping mission, which could help identify abundant, accessible ice for future candidate landing sites on the Red Planet. The agencies have agreed to establish a joint concept team to assess mission potential, as well as partnership opportunities. Under the statement, NASA, the It
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Leioa, Spain (SPX) Feb 04, 2021
The IBeA research group from the University of the Basque Country's Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, is participating in NASA's Mars2020 space mission, which is scheduled to touch down on Mars in February this year. Specifically, the group has participated in constructing and verifying the chemical homogeneity of the templates included on the calibration car
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Mountain View CA (SPX) Feb 04, 2021
A team of researchers led by SETI Institute Senior Research Scientist Janice Bishop, a member of the SETI Institute NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) team, has come up with a theory about what is causing landslides on the surface of Mars. Previous ideas suggested that liquid debris flows or dry granular flows caused this movement. Neither model can completely account for the seasonal marti
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Potsdam, Germany (SPX) Feb 04, 2021
A new study has found that electrons can reach ultra-relativistic energies for very special conditions in the magnetosphere when space is devoid of plasma. Recent measurements from NASA's Van Allen Probes spacecraft showed that electrons can reach ultra-relativistic energies flying at almost the speed of light. Hayley Allison, Yuri Shprits and collaborators from the German Research Centre

An art lover dreams of space

Wednesday, 03 February 2021 04:48
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Boston MA (SPX) Feb 04, 2021
It started with a movie. Supernovas filled the screen and exploded with galactic color. The voice of Neil DeGrasse Tyson narrated the beginning of the universe. At only 14 years old, Alana Sanchez was hooked. Prior to high school, Sanchez was primarily interested in visual arts and movies. She taught herself animation and aspired to work in the creative realm. However, her dreams quickly t
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