Copernical Team
Webb images new, cold exoplanet 12 light-years away

An international team of astronomers using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope have directly imaged an exoplanet roughly 12 light-years from Earth. While there were hints that the planet existed, it had not been confirmed until Webb imaged it. The planet is one of the coldest exoplanets observed to date.
Hera spacecraft trio to fly safe with inter-linked radio

ESA’s Hera mission for planetary defence involves not just one spacecraft but three: two shoebox-sized CubeSats will fly up to a few dozen kilometres away from their mothership around the Didymos binary asteroid system. Keeping this trio in communication to fulfil their own mission needs while also ensuring their safe separation is the task of a novel inter-satellite link radio technology, produced by a Portuguese company best known for terrestrial drone systems.
YPSat witnesses ISTSat-1 & 3Cat-4 CubeSats deployment from Ariane 6

Video returned from the ESA Young Professionals Satellite payload, YPSat, attached to the upper stage of the inaugural Ariane 6 rocket, launched on 9 July 2024. This clip shows two cubesats deployment into orbit from the Exolaunch dispenser: The first CubeSat is ISTSat-1 and the second is 3Cat-4, both supported by ESA Education initiatives. The video has been enhanced to highlight these events, that were part of the key mission objectives for YPSat. The YPSat project represents the culmination of about two and a half years of dedication and hard work core team of about 30 Young
Gilat secures over $9M in contracts for satellite communications solutions

UK Space Agency selects finalists for Lunar Water Purification technologies

Key technologies driving NASA's Mars exploration discussed at conference

NASA ranks top civil space technology challenges for 2024

Morpheus Space unveils new mass production facility in Dresden

Designing space exploration with the human in mind

SmartSat CRC and NZ Govt unveil collaborative space research projects