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Copernical Team

Copernical Team

Berlin, Germany (SPX) Jul 25, 2023
In a significant development in the field of earthquake prediction, a study by the Paris Institute of Planetary Physics suggests that a noticeable stage of fault slip can occur two hours before significant earthquakes. The analysis, which evaluated Global Positioning System (GPS) time-series data from almost 100 large-scale seismic events worldwide, provides evidence for this groundbreaking hypo
Paris (ESA) Jul 25, 2023
Space equipment is no stranger to being described as "alien artwork", but the latest development from the Swiss team at CSEM, in collaboration with 3D Precision SA and Almatech SA, can rightly earn that moniker. The cutting-edge design they've produced is a unique 3D-printed gear mechanism, one that stands to revolutionize the functionality of critical space instruments. With a construction that
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Jul 25, 2023
Size matters when it comes to the formation of planets from cosmic dust, according to a team of astrophysicists from Tohoku University. The researchers' simulations found that the larger the dust aggregate, the less likely it is to stick together following a collision, an observation that may have significant implications for our understanding of planetary evolution. The formation of new p
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Jul 25, 2023
The cosmic lineage of the second-generation carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu can be traced back to a distant past and a far-flung location in our solar system, according to recent studies on the space rock's anhydrous minerals. The infrared spectra of these grains provide a link between the initial reservoirs, from which Ryugu's progenitor arose, and those that birthed primitive asteroids and comets
London, UK (SPX) Jul 25, 2023
Following a close consultation with the space sector, the UK Space Agency recently unveiled the Space Exploration Technology Roadmap, a strategic guide that will shape the direction of research, development, and funding allocation for the next ten years. The plan anticipates working closely with key international partners, including NASA, the European Space Agency, and JAXA (Japan's space agency
Ariane 6 testing at Europe's Spaceport

Teams preparing Ariane 6 for its inaugural flight successfully completed for the first time a launcher preparation and countdown sequence, on 18 July at Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.

Rice fields, Mekong Delta

Globally, more than 70% of the freshwater withdrawn from Earth’s surface or from underground is used to irrigate crops. The need to produce more food for a growing population against the backdrop of climate change is challenging enough, but satellites reveal that extracting water doesn’t just affect the local environment – there are knock-on consequences for many aspects of the Earth system.

Blue skies above an aircraft wing

Satellites will soon be used to keep an independent eye on airborne planes, under a deal agreed between ESA and Spire Global, a company that provides space-based data, analytics and space services.

Rhodes wildfire forces thousands to flee Image: Rhodes wildfire forces thousands to flee
Artist’s impression of the PDS 70 system

New measurements by the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope’s Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI) has detected water vapour in the inner disc of the system PDS 70, located 370 light-years away. This is the first detection of water in the terrestrial region of a disc already known to host two or more protoplanets.

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