Copernical Team
NASA's LunaH-Map mission ends, validates science instrument performance

Daily records of atmospheric temperature with Perseverance

Can we see Mars' Breath in the Winter Cold: Sols 3907-3908

Curiosity faces its toughest climb yet on Mars

Unraveling river pathways on Earth and Mars

NASA announces crew for 2024 ISS rotation mission

NASA and Axiom Space join forces for fourth private mission in 2024

Indian lunar landing mission enters Moon's orbit

First test images from Euclid space telescope unveiled

The Euclid space telescope, launched July 1 on a mission to shed more light on elusive dark matter and dark energy, has reached its destination orbit and on Monday its European operators revealed its first test images.
The star-filled snapshots were taken during the space telescope's commissioning—a phase during which its powerful instruments are finely calibrated—and therefore not representative of its full potential.
But the European Space Agency (ESA) says the tests already show it will be capable of fulfilling its massive mission.
"After more than 11 years of designing and developing Euclid, it's exhilarating and enormously emotional to see these first images," Euclid project manager Giuseppe Racca in a statement.
VA261: Ariane 5 timelapse

The 117th and final launch of Europe’s Ariane 5 rocket capped a series which began in 1996. Commercial, institutional and scientific payloads included such iconic missions as Rosetta, the James Webb Space Telescope and Juice. Seen here is the launch campaign for VA261 on 5 July 2023, to close the Ariane 5 book; onboard were German aerospace agency DLR’s Heinrich Hertz experimental communications satellite and French communications satellite Syracuse 4b.