Copernical Team
Firefly Aerospace launches US Space Force VICTUS NOX Responsive Space Mission with 24-hours notice

ESA looks to transform Europe’s space transportation capability

On Earth, raw materials and finished goods move from source to destination with the help of a highly developed logistics network. ESA believes the same will be true in space in the future – made possible by a new generation of reusable launchers, in-space delivery vehicles and orbiting fuel depots.
AWS ties up with ISRO and IN-SPACe to advance India's space capabilities with cloud technologies

Every Gram Counts: SCHOTT Launches Lightweight Microelectronic Packages for Aerospace

Sidus Space secures position on upcoming Bandwagon Mission

Terran Orbital announces Proposed Public Offering

New clues to the nature of elusive dark matter

Germany signs the Artemis Accords

Purdue scientist among first to examine asteroid pieces from OSIRIS-REx mission

UFOs: What we will learn from the NASA panel investigating sightings

A committee set up by NASA has examined about 800 reports of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), or what most of us would call UFOs (unidentified flying objects). NASA defines these events as sightings "that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena from a scientific perspective".
The creation of this committee shows that NASA is taking potential extraterrestrial events very seriously. On Wednesday, May 31 2023, the committee held its first public meeting to discuss what it is doing and what it has found so far, ahead of a full report later this year.
It revealed some reports are easy to explain as boats, planes or weather, some had comical, lunch-based origins, and only a few remain a mystery.
The committee is led by astrophysicist David Spergel and is made up of a team of experts ranging from university professors to a former astronaut. The study has been using declassified reports and images to try to explain some of the mysterious reports, which come from all sorts of sources including military personnel and commercial airline pilots.