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Copernical Team

Copernical Team

Wednesday, 03 April 2013 06:19

Swiss Space Systems (S3)

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Swiss Space Systems (S3) is a company which plans to provide orbital launches of small satellites and suborbital spaceflights to space tourists.

The company is based at Payerne Airport in western Switzerland, where it plans to build a spaceport in 2015. Suborbital spaceplanes will be launched from an Airbus A300, giving the spacecraft more initial speed and altitude than if it were launched from the ground. The spacecraft, in turn, will release a disposable third stage. The company targets to charge 10 million CHF for a launch, using unmanned suborbital spaceplanes that could carry satellites weighing up to 250 kilos (550 pounds). The costs are reduced by the reusable nature of the spaceplane and other launch facilities and by a lower fuel-consumption than conventional systems.

The spaceplane will also provide suborbital spaceflights to tourists, with the addition of a pressurised module.

Tuesday, 02 April 2013 20:05

Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO)

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The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) was a space observatory detecting light from 20 KeV to 30 GeV in Earth orbit from 1991 to 2000.

It featured four main telescopes in one spacecraft covering x-rays and gamma-rays, including various specialized sub-instruments and detectors. Following 14 years of effort, the observatory was launched on the Space Shuttle Atlantis, mission STS-37, on 5 April 1991 and operated until its deorbit on 4 June 2000. It was deployed in low earth orbit at 450 km to avoid the Van Allen radiation belt. 

Tuesday, 02 April 2013 19:47

Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission

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The Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission consists of a robotic spacecraft called Swift, which was launched into orbit on 20 November 2004.

Swift is managed by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and was developed by an international consortium from the United States, United Kingdom, and Italy. It is part of NASA's Medium Explorer Program (MIDEX).

Swift is a multi-wavelength space observatory dedicated to the study of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Its three instruments work together to observe GRBs and their afterglows in the gamma-ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, and optical wavebands.

Based on continuous scans of the area of the sky with one of the instrument's monitors, Swift uses momentum wheels to autonomously slew into the direction of possible GRBs. The name "Swift" is not a mission-related acronym, but rather a reference to the instrument's rapid slew capability

Monday, 01 April 2013 09:10

ISERV Pathfinder

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the ISS SERVIR Environmental Research and Visualization System (ISERV) is an image acquisition installed on the ISS Destiny module to take photos of Earth from the ISS.

ISERV is a commercial camera, telescope and pointing system operated remotely from Earth by researchers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. With ISERV NASA will be able to provide high resolution images of Earth!

Thursday, 28 March 2013 07:34

EARS System

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the EARS system is a Eumetsat project for data retransmission. 'EARS' means 'Eumetsat Advanced Retransmission Service'.

The object of the EARS system is to provide the European meteorological community with sounder data covering data-sparse areas, within 30 minutes of the instrument observations.

EARS comprises three separate polar satellite instrument data services:

  • the existing EARS-ATOVS;
  • the EARS-AVHRR;
  • and the pilot EARS-ASCAT.

Each of the EARS services retransmits observations from an instrument, or an instrument group, and aims to provide a homogeneous service across the NOAA and Metop polar orbiting satellite platforms.

System Overview:

 satellite -> NOAA KLM NOAA NN' METOP





Monday, 25 March 2013 23:33


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LOFAR is a very large connected radio telescope, using a new concept based on a vast array of omni-directional antennas.

LOFAR is a Low-Frequency Array for radio astronomy, built by ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy and operated by ASTRON's radio observatory. ASTRON is part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

The project is based on an interferometric array of radio telescopes using about 25,000 small antennas concentrated in at least 48 larger stations. 40 of these stations are distributed across the Netherlands, five stations in Germany, and one each in Great Britain, France and Sweden. Further stations may also be built in other European countries. The total effective collecting area is up to approximately 300,000 square meter, depending on frequency and antenna configuration. The data processing is performed by a Blue Gene/P supercomputer situated in the Netherlands at the University of Groningen. LOFAR is also a pathfinder for the Square Kilometre Array. The Square Kilometre Array will be the world's largest and most sensitive radio telescope. The SKA will be built in Southern Africa and in Australia.

It is a global enterprise bringing together 11 countries from the 5 continents.

Sunday, 24 March 2013 17:09

Cap Gemini

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Cap Gemini S.A. is a French multinational corporation headquartered in Paris, France.

It provides IT services and is one of the world's largest consulting, outsourcing and professional services companies with a staff of 121,026 operating in 48 countries. India currently is the single largest employee base for Capgemini, with the headcount 40,000 by October 2012. It was founded in 1967 by Serge Kampf, the current chairman, in Grenoble, France. 

Capgemini's regional operations include North and South America, Northern Europe & Asia Pacific and Central & Southern Europe. Services are delivered through four disciplines; Consulting, Technology, Outsourcing and Local Professional Services. The latter is delivered through Sogeti, a wholly owned subsidiary.

Thursday, 21 March 2013 15:42

Moog Inc.

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Moog Inc. is a worldwide designer and manufacturer of motion and fluid controls and control systems for applications in aerospace, defense, industrial and medical device markets.

Moog Inc. products and systems include military and commercial aircraft flight controls, satellite positioning controls, controls for steering tactical and strategic missiles, thrust vector controls for space launch vehicles.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013 06:29

NPO Energomash

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NPO Energomash is a Russian manufacturer, which focuses primarily on the development and production of liquid propellant rocket engines.

NPO Energomash is based in Khimki, Moscow state, with satellite facilities in Samara, Perm, and St. Petersburg, and employs close to 5500 workers. Originally founded in 1946 as OKB-456, the company is noted for its long history of large scale LOX/Kerosene engine development, notably the RD-107, RD-170, and RD-180 engines, as well as UDMH/N2O4 engines RD-253 and RD-275 used on the Proton rockets. These engines have functioned as prime movers for such vehicles as R-7, Proton, Soyuz, Energia, Zenit and Atlas V.

NPO Energomash acquired its current name on May 15, 1991, in honor of its chief designer.

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The Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) is a research institute in Astronomy / Astrophysics, located in Lindau (Katlenburg-Lindau), Germany.

The exploration of the solar system is the central theme for the scientific research done at this Institute. It is organised in three departments: one for the Sun and Heliosphere, one for Planets and Comets, and the other for Physics of the interior of the Sun and Sun-like stars (formerly known as Helio and Asteroseismology Research Group). In addition, since 2002 there is also an International Max Planck Research School. 

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