Copernical Team
A first for search and rescue from space

Between September 1982 and December 2020, at least 51 512 people were rescued on land and at sea with help from a network of Earth-orbiting satellites able to detect and locate emergency distress beacons.
Earth from Space: New Delhi

New Delhi, the capital and second-largest city of India, is featured in this image captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission.
BepiColombo’s first tastes of Mercury science

The magnetic and particle environment around Mercury was sampled by BepiColombo for the first time during the mission’s close flyby of the planet at 199 km on 1-2 October 2021, while the huge gravitational pull of the planet was felt by its accelerometers.
The magnetic and accelerometer data have been converted into sound files and presented here for the first time. They capture the ‘sound’ of the solar wind as it bombards a planet close to the Sun, the flexing of the spacecraft as it responded to the change in temperature as it flew from the night to dayside of the planet,
Macron announces 30-billion-euro plan to re-industrialise France

SpaceX will debut new Dragon capsule for upcoming crew launch

Blue Origin launches William Shatner, TV's Captain Kirk, into space and back

NASA, ULA pursue precision launch for Lucy asteroid mission

China to launch latest crewed space mission Saturday morning

Hubble finds evidence of persistent water vapor in one hemisphere of Europa

Lucy in the sky: Spacecraft will visit record 8 asteroids

Attention asteroid aficionados: NASA is set to launch a series of spacecraft to visit and even bash some of the solar system's most enticing space rocks.
The robotic trailblazer named Lucy is up first, blasting off this weekend on a 12-year cruise to swarms of asteroids out near Jupiter—unexplored time capsules from the dawn of the solar system. And yes, there will be diamonds in the sky with Lucy, on one of its science instruments, as well as lyrics from other Beatles' songs.