Copernical Team
Why are comet heads green - but not their tails?

Sols 3371-3373: Some Lucky Breaks at the Prow

New ISS National Laboratory tool expands visibility of ISS-related educational resources

SpaceX sucessfully launches Italian Earth-observation satellite

New funding to support sustainable future of space

NASA asteroid tracking system now capable of full sky search

NASA provides updated International Space Station Transition Plan

Hibernating for a trip to Mars, the way bears do

Hibernating astronauts could be the best way to save mission costs, reduce the size of spacecraft by a third and keep crew healthy on their way to Mars. An ESA-led investigation suggests that human hibernation goes beyond the realm of science-fiction and may become a game-changing technique for space travel.
When packing for a return flight to the red planet, space engineers account for around two years' worth of food and water for the crew.
Get to grips with analysing climate data

Satellites provide crucial, and increasingly important, information to help understand our changing climate. However, better understanding Earth observation data can be a daunting task for new users. A new online course, developed by the University of Twente, on behalf of ESA, helps students, researchers and other professionals analyse satellite data to help measure and mitigate against the effects of climate change.