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Allan ROSS

Allan ROSS


Account Details

Allan ROSS

Profile Overview

R&D Geophysical Engineer
Remote Sensing Operations Support Engineer
Oceanography, Remote Sensing, Geophysics, Hydrology
Study, Research and Development Engineer (Pau/Toulouse)?‍?. I have a scientific culture relatively diversified, mainly focused on applied mathematics/physics ⚛️; I keep moving in discovering and learning every day.

During my training as geophysicist @EOST (Strasbourg, 2018) ?, I mainly specialized in geophysical data analysis and processing as well as in scientific programming. Furthermore, my final-year internship in R&D completed @CLS Group ?️ (Toulouse) and my research experiences (@EOST/@IPGS, @DIAS) allowed me to confirm my aspiration and my passion to oceanography, geophysics and applied sciences broadly speaking. In addition, I was able to learn the values ​​of work at VIVIRAD S.A. ⚛️ which involve daily conviviality and commitment to customers and collaborators.

? One of my professional vocation will be to collaborate with specialists and in teams; indeed, my mid-term career goal is to work on R&D projects which would have a global reach. My ASTYPIC consultant Julien DAVADANT will help me to reach my personal and professional goals.


01 Sep 2020    -    31 Aug 2021
R&D Geophysical Engineer
Seismic While Drilling (SWD) data processing

- Clean the data
- Analysis of borehole seismic data (Fourier and Hilbert transforms)
- Development and documentation of a seismic processing workflow (velocity predictions, attributes)


GTS is the reference partner in Geosciences, oriented towards safety and cost effectiveness, delivering fit for purpose services, innovative technologies and knowledge, to accelerate the Group transformation.


Silicom SAS
Silicom SAS
19 Feb 2020    -    24 Mar 2020
Scientific software development for radio-navigation 📡
• Scientific software development engineer (C++ /Qt) for radio navigation (GNSS)
Qt commands used: paintEvent, QSlider, QSpinBox, QProgressBar, QGridLayout, QScrollBar, QLineEdit, QCheckBox, QRadioButton, QPushButton, QComboBox, QListWidget, QHBoxLayout, QTimer
• Reading the different fields of an NMEA file using object-oriented code in C++ to be adapted
• GNSS signal processing in MATLAB/Python (spectrograms)
Reading and implementation of a processing chain for adaptive filters implemented in a research article by Petter Russer in order to produce spectrograms for the analysis of the noise attenuated by this process

Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
01 Apr 2019    -    24 Dec 2019
Engineer @CNES 🚀 via SYNERGIE - Nanosatellite operator (ANGELS)
Use of a BDS (Excel) created and modified by NEXEYA
OCTAVE (coded by CS): Tools and Components for Processing, Acquisition, Visualization and Exploitation of telemetry
Octave (@CS) Provides basic services of a TM and TC processing platform
• create the operational procedures (Octave @CS) containing all the commands transmitted to the ANGELS nanosatellite
File o2pl (XLM) writings DHS_PAR_CptRstLecture, DHS_PAR_CptRstEcriture, DHS_PAR_CptRstLecture, DHS_PAR_CptRstReinit, DHS_PAR_FlagSatEcriture, DHS_PAR_FlagSatLecture, DHS_PAR_GENLecture, DHS_PAR_LimiteCptRstEcriture, DHS_PAR_LimiteCptRstLecture, DHS_PAR_SeuilBattEcriture, DHS_PAR_SeuilBattLecture, DHS_PAR_VersionLVDemEcriture, DHS_PAR_VersionLVDemLecture
I went to carry out a day of testing coded operational procedures in a clean room at NEXEYA (test on FlatSat)
• develop satellite parameter visualization pages to control it and monitor its operation
Thanks to Octave (CS) I was able to control and view the parameters read and modified by the execution of the FCP (ex: Batterie.qvk) - HMI GUI
• participate in the preparation of operations for the exploitation of the ANGELS nanosatellite
• create calculated parameters and monitoring with the Best & Castor tool (Excel)
• internal training towards the end of my contract: Jason-2/3, SMOS, POPS, PrestoPlot / PrestoDecom, SCAO & payload PROTEUS, SuDo, ISIS & Step-2, S3WNG mission
• Use of PROTON and VTS software to simulate the trajectory and real orientation of satellites over time using files from the G2
- PROTON will be used to convert the TM from the G2 into a format readable by VTS.
- VTS is the main tool for visualizing simulations in Celestia

Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS)
Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS)
19 Feb 2018    -    17 Aug 2018
R&D internship @CLS Group - Satellite altimetry (SRAL) & Spectrometry (OLCI) | Sentinel-3A 🛰️
Improving the teledetection and the characterization of icebergs for around-the-world sailing races using Sentinel-3A multi-sensor data (SRAL, OLCI) - Copernicus Programme

Around-the-world sailing races (CLS) [FR]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evkd5dSel-Q
Copernicus programme [EN]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGJss4lDaBo&t=5s
CLS Group (presentation) [EN]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld_bEHlke3g&t=1s
CLS race: https://www.cls.fr/en/vg2016-race-satellite-surveillance/

• Investigation and exploitation of characteristic peaks found in the Level-2 (Sentinel-3A) SRAL ocean data
• Characterize the presence of icebergs in the Trailing Edge portion of SAR echoes
• Design and develop processing chains and automated workflows (Python & Script shell) for the mapping of icebergs at different threshold levels under Google Earth (generation of kmz files)
• Investigate OLCI data using the SNAP toolbox for prototyping for the implementation of automated workflows in Python
• Implementation of a method for the discrimination of cloud/sea ice/cloud ice
• Compare the capacity of observation between the altimetry missions Jason-2/3, Saral/Altika, HY-2 with the mission Sentinel-3A (conventional vs SAR altimetry)
• Analyse the current drift of Sargasses near the Caribbean Sea

Eventually, the service of iceberg teledetection and monitoring provided by CLS integrate since then the cartography of icebergs coming from Sentinel-3A (satellite altimetry, SAR & p-LRM modes) as well as hectometric sea ice/icebergs (including those located under clouds that do not contain cloud ice ^^) found in OLCI processed images (300 m = OLCI Full Resolution).

Furthermore, I also study the current Sargassum seaweeds issue near the Caribbean Islands using OLCI processed images (cf MCI = Maximum Chlorophyll Index) :

Interactions with SIRS, the BU Espace and CLS Brest

Dublin Institute for Advanced studies (DIAS)
Dublin Institute for Advanced studies (DIAS)
01 Jul 2017    -    31 Jul 2017
Research internship @DIAS with Professor Martinec ZDENEK - Gravimetry & Gradiometry (GOCE) 🛰️
Checking the bias of Potsdam value for surface gravity observations over Ireland using Satellite Gradiometry

Context of the study :

During this internship, I processed the gravity data owned by DIAS in three different aspects:
• I unified the Northern Ireland gravity data with those from the Republic of Ireland, i.e. data owned by DIAS (GMT)
• I made a cubic interpolation of unified data sets and I found the reference gravity field of the Bouguer anomalies occurring in the DIAS gravity data set
• I compared the interpolated surface gravity (i.e. DIAS data) with those derived from global gravity field models, the satellite GOCO05S model and the combined EGM2008 model
Eventually, I was able to explain the origin of the bias.

The issue of the gravity gap located exactly at the irish geopolitical border wasn't explained for more than 30 years, after the death of Dr. Thomas Murphy (DIAS).
I eventually gave a satisfactory explanation to this issue thanks to my investigation during this research internship. Henceforth, an explanation between the gravity map coming from the land-based relative measurements (1950-1980) and the map generated from gradiometry measurements (GOCO05S or EGM2008 models) needs to be given.

Thesis proposal with Professor Martinec ZDENEK (afterwards):
Height unication for the entire Ireland to evaluate a precise value of the geopotential W0 using Tide Gauges data and Ocean Modelling Circulation

Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg (IPGS)
Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg (IPGS)
01 Oct 2016    -    31 May 2017
Research project @EOST/IPGS with Dr. Matthias ZILLMER - Seismic refraction & Hydrology 💧
Seismic refraction investigation of the watershed Strengbach (Vosges Mountains, France) using P and S wave first-arrival tomography

Context of the study:
Strengbach Watershed OHGE : https://data.lter-europe.net/deims/site/rbv_fr_10 & Observatoire
HYDROCRIZTO project [FR]: http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/Project-ANR-15-CE01-0010
Rayfract Software: http://rayfract.com/
Hydrogeochemistry of the Environment, OHGE [FR] : http://ohge.unistra.fr/

• Seismic refraction measurements in the field (P & S waves) with Dr. Matthias Zillmer
• Analysis of SEG-Y data (field measurements, VSP, piezometers) with Seismic Unix (bash)
• Inverting the first-arrival traveltimes picked with Rayfract
• Analysis and combination of tomographic grids (P and S waves) with Surfer Golden
• Writing a scientific article (LaTex) and preparing an oral presentation in English

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
20 Jun 2016    -    15 Jul 2016
Field & Research internship @IPGS/CNRS with Dr. Jacques HINDERER - Microgravimetry & Geothermy 🌋
Microgravimetric monitoring of ES Géothermie geothermal reservoirs in Northern Alsace (Enhanced Geothermal System = EGS)

Context of the study :
Research paper - Microgravimetry applied to deep geothermy monitoring: https://geothermal-energy-journal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40517-015-0035-3
Investiture of the geothermal plant @Rittershoffen (June 2016) [FR]: http://alsace.edf.com/innover/centrale-geothermie-profonde-edf-es-roquette-rittershoffen-inauguration/
Labex Geothermy [FR]: http://labex-geothermie.unistra.fr/article561.html
Soultz-sous-Forêts - Du site laboratoire au site industriel [FR]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOfGY0029yg

• Acquire microgravity data using a Scintrex CG-5 Autograv (Soultz-sous-Forêts and ECOGI networks & J9 observatory)
• Process the data using the software pyGrav
• Write a field report

TotalEnergies CSTJF
TotalEnergies CSTJF
04 Oct 2021    -    03 Oct 2022
Remote Sensing Operations Support Engineer
Analyse and process remote sensing data

Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre - EOST
Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre - EOST
2015    -    2018
Engineering degree
The School and Observatory of Earth Sciences (EOST) is an institution in charge of education, research and observation in Earth Science. 🌎

- Mathematics & Signal processing
- IT Programming (MATLAB, Seismic Unix, Fortran 95, Shell Script, LaTeX, C)
- Seismics, Electromagnetism, Gravimetry, Seismology
- Geodesy & GIS
- Field internships
- Tectonic & Geology
- Economy & Languages
- Diagraphy, Geomechanics & Laboratory measurements

Options (S3): Seismic modeling, Physical geodesy, Sedimentary basins, Seismology: Earth models.
Options (S4): Seismic Imaging, Potential fields, Hydrogeology, Seismology: Earthquakes.
Options (S5): Gravimetry and Geodesy, Potential fields, Seismic imaging of geological heterogeneities, Electromagnetic methods.

Association :
Vice-president of SUGS (2017)

Lycée KLEBER (Strasbourg) - CPGE in Physics ⚛️ & Chemistry 🧪 (PC)
Lycée KLEBER (Strasbourg) - CPGE in Physics ⚛️ & Chemistry 🧪 (PC)
2013    -    2015
French post-secondary educationField Of Study
CPGE = Two-year intensive program, in preparation for the nationwide competitive examination to join an engineering school.

I passed the French national competitive exam CCP to join the engineering school EOST, located in Strasbourg (France).

Subject of my TIPE :
Study of ice cube melting in salt water; illustration of iceberg melting in open ocean 🧊

Lycée Jean ROSTAND (Strasbourg)
Lycée Jean ROSTAND (Strasbourg)
2010    -    2013
Baccalauréat (High School)- Graduated with honors
Exploration lessons during my first year of high school (biotechnology 🧬, physics ⚛️ and chemistry 🧪) allow me to work in laboratories which comforted me to undertake a secondary education in science.

I also created a website (written in French in 2011) to introduce the current issue of groundwater pollution in Alsace : 💧

Collège Paul WERNERT (Achenheim)
Collège Paul WERNERT (Achenheim)
2006    -    2010
Brevet des collèges (graduated with high honors)
Brevet des Collèges = French Certificate of general education
Classes : 6D, 5D, 4A, 3A

Ecole élémentaire le Petit Prince, Ittenheim (Alsace)
Ecole élémentaire le Petit Prince, Ittenheim (Alsace)
1997    -    2006
Basic courses

Utilizing acoustic telemetry networks for potential Seismic-While-Drilling applications
Allan Ross (1), Michel Verliac (1), Andy Hawthorn (2), John- Peter Van Zelm (2)

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12 Feb 2021
31 Dec 2022
09 Jun 2021

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