Jean-Bruno Marciacq
Account Details
Profile Overview
Safety Design of Space Systems
Musgrave, Larsen, Sgobba, Marciacq & Bessone
ELSEVIER / Butterworth-Heinemann - IAASS,  
Chapter 25,  
page(s) 745-815
Unfortunately for them, in their professional life, Astronauts spend much more time on earth (be it on the ground, underwater or in the air) than in space.
Training the Astronauts for Safety and the very Safety of the Crew during their training are indeed integrated and interactive processes, to the overall benefit of mission safety and therefore success.
Space Safety Regulations and Standards
Pelton, Jakhu, Marciacq, Morier, Tomasello, Erdelyi & Gerhard
ELSEVIER / Butterworth-Heinemann - IAASS,  
Chapter 16,  
page(s) 187-212
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) experts view on how to accomodate Sub-orbital Aircraft (SoA) flights in Europe, from the regulatory and legal perspectives, in cooperation with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and US-Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Commercial Uses of Space and Space Tourism
Wouters, De Man, Hansen, Marciacq
EDWARD ELGAR / Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies,  
page(s) 227-253
A proposed roadmap on how to accomodate sub-orbital flights in the existing EU-Regulatory Framework, and how to adapt it to support their development and allow their operation in Europe
Space Safety and Human Performance
Sgobba, Kanki, Clervoy & Marciacq
ELSEVIER / Butterworth-Heinemann - IAASS,  
Chapter 16,  
page(s) 744-764