Copernical Team
European crew poised for private mission to International Space Station

ARMADAS showcases autonomous space construction robots for NASA

Samples from a Wild comet reveal a surprising past

SpaceX delays Axiom-3 launch of all-European private crew to ISS

Heart of ESA vacuum testing

Buried water ice at Mars's equator?

Windswept piles of dust, or layers of ice? ESA’s Mars Express has revisited one of Mars’s most mysterious features to clarify its composition. Its findings suggest layers of water ice stretching several kilometres below ground – the most water ever found in this part of the planet.
Good advice for Marcus Wandt’s Muninn Mission

ESA astronaut and commander of Expedition 70 Andreas Mogensen has some advice for Marcus Wandt, ESA’s first project astronaut, who will join him on the International Space Station on his Muninn mission. It will be the first time two Scandinavians are in space together, which fits perfectly with their mission names, Huginn and Muninn.
New USGS map shows where damaging earthquakes are most likely to occur in US?

Could diamonds drive Neptune and Uranus' magnetic fields

A new way to swiftly eliminate micropollutants from water