Copernical Team
Astrophysicists observe one of the most powerful short gamma-ray bursts ever
The collision of two distant neutron stars released one of the most powerful short gamma-ray bursts ever recorded, scientists say. The collision marked the first time scientists have recorded millimeter-wavelength light from a fiery explosion to be caused by the merger of a neutron star with another star. It was observed on Nov. 6, 2021. The observation was made with the Atacama
A cosmic tango points to a violent and chaotic past for distant exoplanet
If you close your eyes and imagine a system of planets orbiting a distant star, what do you see? For most people, such thoughts conjure up systems that mirror the Solar System: planets orbiting a host star on near-circular orbits - rocky planets closer in, and giants such as Jupiter in the icy depths. However, the more we study the cosmos, the more we begin to realise planetary syste
A molecule of light and matter
Theoretically, this effect has been predicted for a long time, but now scientists at the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) at TU Wien, in cooperation with the University of Innsbruck, have succeeded in measuring this exotic atomic bond for the first time. This interaction is useful for manipulating extremely cold atoms, and the effect could also play a role in the formation
Perseid meteor shower peaks Aug. 12, but the full Moon may spoil the show
The Perseid meteor shower, one of Earth's biggest, is set to peak with best viewing starting Aug. 11. The annual meteor shower will peak the next day, but this year the full moon may interfere with visibility, according to NASA. "Sadly, this year's Perseids peak will see the worst possible circumstances for spotters," NASA astronomer Bill Cooke said in a statement. "Most o
NASA's Perseverance cores 12th sample, team assessing rover's coring bit
Images and data downlinked Thursday from Perseverance show that we've successfully cored, sealed, and stored our 12th sample of the mission. As the team always does, images of several sample collection system components were taken after completion of the coring activity. In those images, two small pieces of debris were visible - a small object on the coring bit (stored in the bit carousel)
One Hundred days of Minerva
ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti was launched to the International Space Station on 27 April as a part of Crew-4 for her second mission, Minerva. One hundred days in, mission Minerva is still going strong. From completing cutting-edge research in the world's only orbiting laboratory to sharing daily life on the Space Station via TikTok, it's all in a day's work for an ESA astronaut. In
Lehigh physicists to probe gravity's secrets at the smallest scales
There are four fundamental forces that describe every interaction in nature: electromagnetism, the weak force, the strong force and gravity. While gravity, the mutual attraction that brings objects with mass together, may be the most familiar, there is still much to learn about its fundamental nature. Insights into gravity could lead to greater understanding of phenomena as abstract as the
AI helps discover new space anomalies
The SNAD team, an international network of researchers including Matvey Kornilov, Associate Professor of the HSE University Faculty of Physics, has discovered 11 previously undetected space anomalies, seven of which are supernova candidates. The researchers analysed digital images of the Northern sky taken in 2018 using a k-D tree to detect anomalies through the 'nearest neighbour' method. Machi
Wentian's small mechanical arm completes in-orbit tests
The small mechanical arm mounted with Wentian, the first lab module of China's space station, has successfully completed in-orbit tests, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA). With the support of the ground team, the small mechanical arm has completed a series of in-orbit function and performance tests. All indexes performed well, achieving expected results, said the CMSA.
Wide view of early universe hints at galaxy among the earliest ever detected
Two new images from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope show what may be among the earliest galaxies ever observed. Both images include objects from more than 13 billion years ago, and one offers a much wider field of view than Webb's First Deep Field image, which was released amid great fanfare July 12. The images represent some of the first out of a major collaboration of astronomers and other a