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Displaying items by tag: energy

Saturday, 22 June 2013 20:53

Orbital Technologies Corp (Orbitec)

ORBITEC is a subsystems integrator and high technology development company based in Wisconsin, USA.

ORBITEC offers solutions and strong capabilities in five distinct areas:

  • Propulsion, Space Resources, and Energy
  • Emergency Response Systems
  • Human Support Systems and Instrumentation
  • BioProducts and BioProduction Systems
  • Interactive 3D Systems and Services
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Monday, 05 November 2012 07:30

ABSL Space Products

ABSL Space Products is a world leading supplier of Lithium-ion batteries for spacecraft and launch vehicles.

Moreover ABSL Space Products is providing a wide range of space technologies, including Optical Product and Energy Storage.

It has been recently purchased by EnerSys, an American company.

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Sunday, 28 October 2012 05:52

SAFRAN Pyroalliance

SAFRAN Pyroalliance is a European producer of energetic equipment: design, production and marketing of a wide range of equipment to meet the demanding specifications of aerospace, defense and industry. These energetic equipments perform a number of critical functions, including launch, propulsion, flight control and range safety.

SAFRAN Pyroalliance is a subsidiary of Herakles (Safran group).

It has built up expertise in the technologies needed to convert energy from an energetic material (grain, propellant, explosive) into a function or combination of functions. These functions generally involve a mechanical action (push, pull, inflate, cut, release, etc.), or the transmission of a command (ignite, separate, supply a fluid, generate a gas or thrust). A complete function can be performed by coupling different assemblies (ignition and safety, command transmission, terminal functions such as ignition or a mechanical action).

Pyrotechnic technologies offer a number of advantages over conventional electromechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic systems:

  • Significant energy developed in a controlled time (from less than a millisecond to several seconds).
  • Low triggering energy (mechanical or electric).
  • Smaller and lighter.
  • Very high reliability, security and availability.
  • Little or no maintenance over lifetime.
  • Operating time compatible with need for simultaneous or synchronized requirements.
  • Robust resistance to external hazards (vibration, shock, electrostatic discharge, electromagnetic, thermal, etc.).
Published in Organisations
Friday, 01 June 2012 21:30


The German Aerospace Center (DLR) (German: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.) is the national centre for aerospace, energy and transportation research of the Federal Republic of Germany. It has multiple locations throughout Germany. Its headquarters are located in Cologne. It is engaged in a wide range of research and development projects in national and international partnerships.

In addition to conducting its own research projects, DLR also acts as the German space agency. As such, it is responsible for planning and implementing the German space programme on behalf of the German federal government. As project management agency, DLR also coordinates and answers for the technical and organisational implementation of projects funded by a number of German federal ministries.

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