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Saturday, 27 March 2021 16:15

European Satellite Operators' Association (ESOA)

The European Satellite Operators' Association (ESOA) was formed in March 2002 to represent the interests of the industry with key European organisations, including the European Commission, Parliament, Council and the European Space Agency as well as other international organisations.

ESOA's goals include ensuring that satellites benefit from the appropriate political, industrial and regulatory environment to fulfil their vital role in the delivery of communications. ESOA is governed by a Board of Directors, made up of the CEO's of its Member Companies.

ESOA is a CEO-driven association representing 22 global and regional satellite operators. ESOA provides thought-leadership and is recognised as the representative body for satellite operators by international, regional and national bodies including regulators, policymakers, standards-setting organisations such as 3GPP and international organisations such as the International Telecommunications Union and the World Economic Forum.

Published in Organisations
Friday, 17 May 2013 13:20

O3b Networks

O3b Networks, Ltd. is a satellite operator focused on delivering a worldwide broadband network.

O3b Networks delivers broadband connectivity everywhere on earth within 45 degrees of latitude north and south of the equator. The vast coverage area includes emerging and insufficiently connected markets in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, with a collective population of over 3 billion people.

For this aim, O3b is building a medium Earth orbit satellite constellation, the O3B constellation. The network will combine the ubiquitous reach of satellite with the speed of fiber to deliver satellite Internet services and mobile backhaul services to emerging markets. By the first half of 2013 O3b plans to launch a constellation of 8 satellites into orbit to provide low latency Internet services to billions of users in remote areas of the world.

The name "O3b" stands for "[The] Other 3 Billion", referring to the population of the world where broadband Internet is not available without help. 



Published in Organisations
Monday, 04 June 2012 19:35

Intelsat 28 / New Dawn

Intelsat 28, formerly New Dawn, is a communications satellite produced and run by Intelsat. It is positioned in geosynchronous orbit at 33 degrees east and serving TV and broadband communications to Africa.

It is based around the STAR-2 satellite platform.

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