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Sunday, 01 December 2013 15:52

Swedish National Space Board (SNSB)

The Swedish National Space Board, SNSB, is a central governmental agency under the Ministry of Education and Research.

SNSB is responsible for national and international activities relating to space and remote sensing, primarily research and development.

SNSB has three main tasks:

  • to distribute government grants for space research, technology development and remote sensing activities
  • to initiate research and development in Space and Remote Sensing areas
  • to act as Swedish contact for international co-operation

The Swedish space programme is carried out by means of extensive international cooperation, in particular through Sweden´s membership of the European Space Agency, ESA.

SNSB's responsability for international activities includes the Swedish involvement in ESA as well as bilateral cooperation within space. Most of the activities funded by the Swedish National Space Board are carried out in cooperation with other countries.

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Wednesday, 31 October 2012 17:50


Spacemetric is a company supplying geospatial imagery solutions.

It was founded in 1999 to provide cost-effective systems that streamline the process from the capture of geospatial imagery to their delivery to users.

Published in Organisations
Tuesday, 23 October 2012 21:12

ODIN satellite

ODIN is a Swedish satellite working in two disciplines; astrophysics and aeronomy, and it was named after god Odin. Within the field of astrophysics, Odin is used in the study of star formation. When used for aeronomical observations, it is the ozone layer depletion and effects of global warming that are explored.

Odin was developed by the Space Systems Division of Swedish Space Corporation (now OHB Sweden) as part of an international project involving the space agencies of Finland (funded by TEKES), Canada (CSA) and France (CNES). 

Odin was launched on a START-1 rocket on February 20, 2001 from Svobodny, Russia on February 20, 2001. The duration of the mission was expected to be 2 years, but Odin is still observing (July 2012).

The onboard instrument measuring the ozone depletion is named OSIRIS.


ODIN: University of Calgary (Canada)'s page

OSIRIS: Canadian Space Agency's page

Published in Projects
Monday, 03 September 2012 18:05


SMART-1 was the first European Lunar mission and a technology demonstrator of Deep Space Electric Propulsion.

It was launched in October 2003, reached the moon observation orbit in 2005 and carried out lunar science experiment till controlled crash on the lunar surface in September 2006.

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