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CLoGS (Complete Local-Volume Groups Sample)

Draco Trio (NGC5982): Smoothed XMM-Newton X-ray emission in blue, overlaid on an SDSS u,g,r,i composite optical image. We are able to trace the physical properties of the intra-group gas (temperature, density, entropy, etc.) out to around 85 kpc. Draco Trio (NGC5982): Smoothed XMM-Newton X-ray emission in blue, overlaid on an SDSS u,g,r,i composite optical image. We are able to trace the physical properties of the intra-group gas (temperature, density, entropy, etc.) out to around 85 kpc. Dr Ewan O'Sullivan

The CLoGS project aims to be the first statistically complete survey of galaxy groups observed in the X-ray, optical and radio wavebands. Since >50% of galaxies in the local volume reside in groups, they are a key environment for studies of galaxy evolution. As the locus of much of the mass in the nearby Universe, and the environment in which the hot, X-ray emitting intergalactic medium first becomes important, groups are also fundamental to our understanding of AGN feedback and structure formation. Our main science goals include:

Determining the basic physical properties of a representative sample of groups for the first time.

Examining the temperature and density structure of the gaseous halos of groups, the ability of groups to retain gas, and the fraction of systems with central cooling cores.

Characterisation of the AGN population in groups, and examination of their impact on the intra-group gas and member galaxies.

Study of the galaxy population of groups, and the relationships between galaxies, their groups, star formation and nuclear activity.

Principal Investigator (PI): Dr Ewan O' Sullivan

Collaboration Members: 
Prof. Trevor Ponman
  University of Birmingham

Dr. Somak Raychaudhury  University of Birmingham

Dr. Alastair Sanderson  University of Birmingham

Konstantinos Kolokythas  University of Birmingham

Dr. Jan Vrtilek  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Dr. Laurence P. David  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Dr. William Forman  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Dr. Christine Jones  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Dr. Chris Haines  University of Arizona

Dr. Simona Giacintucci  University of Maryland

Dr. Nazirah Jetha  University of Alabama, Huntsville

Dr. Myriam Gitti  INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Bologna/

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Prof. Stephen S. Murray  Johns-Hopkins University

Dr. Nimisha G. Kantharia  National Centre for Radio Astrophysics

Prof. Arif Babul  University of Victoria

Additional Info

  • Lead Nation: United Kingdom
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