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Andrea Magyar

Andrea Magyar

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Darmstadt, February 24th 2014– Sapienza Consulting GmbH, a company of the Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) Group has signed a competitive frame contract for Administrative & Management Support at ESOC  to provide manpower support to the Directorate of Human Spaceflight and Operations (D/HSO) in the domain “Administrative Support”.

The three years frame contract awarded, with an optional extension of a further two, will enable Sapienza Consulting GmbH to provide Manpower and Service support to ESA in Darmstadt, Germany.

In 2013 Sapienza Consulting Group opened its latest branch of Sapienza Consulting GmbH in Darmstadt in order to be able to better serve its growing presence and customer base within the German Space Sector. The new office is in close proximity to the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC). The branch is perfectly located to serve smoothly the new frame contract with ESOC.

The new address is:
Sapienza Consulting GmbH
ECOS Building
Robert-Bosch-Str. 20
64293 Darmstadt

Ph: +49(0)6151 3975305

Sapienza Consulting Group has established a steady growth throughout the last years. With this new branch, the Group has now offices in Germany, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, France and Italy, and from these offices serves the European institutional and commercial space sector.

With this contract, Sapienza Consulting Group has positioned itself as a key manpower & service provider to ESA across its many establishments.

“Sapienza is not only one of the main manpower and service providers that support ESA/ESTEC programmes and corporate operations, but today we deliver our products and services to the whole spectrum of commercial and institutional organisations operating in the European space market. Thanks to our 20 years of experience and professional offerings, we were able to understand the needs of ESOC and to offer our quality services to them as well. We look forward to work with our ESOC customers, and to grow our workforce in Germany”, said Andrea Bennetti, at Sapienza Consulting Group.

About Sapienza Consulting (Holding BV) group

The Sapienza Consulting Group is a leading provider of space mission and project support through people, software and services. Since 1994 Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency as well as the other key players of the European institutional and commercial space sector. The Group now consists of strategically located offices in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, The United Kingdom and France.

Follow us on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/sapienza-consulting

For Media information contact:
Sapienza Consulting Group
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands

Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536


Please visit the ESA Homepage for further information on ESA www.esa.int

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We are always happy to support sports and health related causes and the sponsorship of the XXXIII ESA Football Tournament fits within that philosophy.

Football teams from all ESA sites will compete between the 16th and 17th of June in Olbia, Sardinia, for the best ESA team title. Each year the yearly big event is organised in different ESA sites. This year the honour went to ESRIN.

Our Sapienza flag is also travelling to the event to support the teams during the weekend. May the best team win!

For more information visit the tournament’s Facebook page here.

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Noordwijk, May 27 2013 – Sapienza Consulting today announces its latest branch of Sapienza Consulting GmbH, in the Sapienza Consulting Group. The new office is located in Darmstadt, Germany, just opposite to the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC).

Mike Bearman, Managing Director of Sapienza Consulting said: “This is an ideal location in the heart of Europe to serve the growing needs of the European Space Industry, specifically focusing on our customers from Germany. Right now the office is just for representation, but we are looking forward to expand it further in the near future”

The new German office is the most recent addition to the Sapienza strategically located offices in Noordwijk (the Netherlands), Frascati (Italy), Bramley (United Kingdom) and Cannes (France). For the moment the office provides a home-away solution to our employees on temporary missions or assignments to Germany. However the office facility can be scaled up to accommodate a permanent and growing team in the future.

The new address is:
Sapienza Consulting GmbH
ECOS Building
Robert-Bosch-Str. 20
64293 Darmstadt

Ph: +49(0)6151 3975305

About Sapienza Consulting Group

Sapienza Consulting is a leading provider of software solutions, services and manpower to the institutional and commercial space industry. Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency for over 19 years. A team of software architects and developers, space engineering and consultancy experts deliver solutions from our offices in the UK, the Netherlands, Italy, France and Germany.

Follow us on LinkedIn

For Media information contact:
Sapienza Consulting Ltd
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands

Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536

Thursday, 16 May 2013 10:17

Latest ECLIPSE Suite release, 3.1

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On the 10th of May Sapienza released ECLIPSE Suite 3.1. The latest release provides several new features in the following modules:

  • Document Configuration and Change Management (DCCM),
  • Non-Conformance Tracking System (eNCTS),
  • Risk Management (eRISK).

With the latest and upcoming features of eNCTS and eRISK, Sapienza aims at enhancing further the existing user experience.

Have a look at the highlights of the new features and further improvements on our ECLIPSE suite Wikipedia page.

Would you like to know more about the eclipse suite? Request a demonstration now!

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The space event of the year! Sapienza is exhibiting at the UK Space Conference 2013 (16 - 17 July) in Glasgow.

We are a leading provider of space mission and project support through people, software and services. Visit our stand to learn more about our IT products, services, job opportunities and business offerings. Interested? Schedule an appointment with one of our representatives at the event by enquiring at ! We look forward to seeing you there.

Have a look at the conference here.

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Noordwijk, April 16 2013 – Sapienza Consulting announces a major new release of the ECLIPSE suite.

ECLIPSE 3.0 is a fundamental step forward in the evolution of the ECLIPSE suite as it includes two new fully-integrated modules, namely eNCTS (eclipse Non-Conformance Tracking System module) and eRISK (eclipse Risk Management Module).

Along with the introduction of the two new modules, the 3.0 release focuses on providing enhanced user experience with numerous new features in the following modules:

  • Action Items Manager (AIM),
  • Document Configuration and Change Management (DCCM).

“These latest additions will help us cement the success of the ECLIPSE suite amongst our clients’ space projects and missions, and allow them an ever more effective digitally integrated project environment for their team and partners to work with”, said Andrea Bennetti, Commercial Director of Space Products and Manpower at Sapienza Consulting.

ECLIPSE Suite is the only web-based, software platform designed for commercial Prime-Contractors, SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and Governmental Space institutions alike. ECLIPSE suite empowers its users with a unique toolset supporting the management of PA/QA/PM/CM activities in space projects and missions according to the requirements of ECSS Standards.

The eNCTS is one of the latest modules included into the ECLIPSE suite. eNCTS supports the recording, evolution, reporting and reviewing of Non-Conformances (NC) raised against components of a system. The information to be collected regarding the NC can be customised on a project level by the System Administrator. It is also possible to link related NCs to each other. The module allows users to manage Non-Conformance Review Boards (NRBs) or Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs) and controls user access to different areas of the system based on product tree access rights.

eRISK is also integrated into the ECLIPSE suite. It fully supports the specific risk management process needs of space projects and missions. It allows recording, accessing, monitoring and resolving risks identified and associated with a complex engineering or scientific project.

The DCCM module fulfils all the document configuration requirements of a space project. All the integrated functions are tailored specifically for the space industry’s needs and best practises. Furthermore, it supports the document’s entire evolution (i.e. creation, modification, evolution and distribution) throughout its lifecycle.

AIM is a web-based application that allows the creation, allocation, monitoring and tracking of Action Items (AIs) and their associated information across small and large project teams alike. Each Action Item (AI) can be allocated to an Actionee and multiple Contributors, who can access and contribute to the Action Item’s progress, completion and closure via the web, in accordance to security permissions. Each AI enables all those involved to collaborate via a thread-based discussion capability which enables additional information to be provided in the form of video, images or documentation attachments.

RID supports space project and mission teams through the preparation, set-up, management and control of formal project and mission reviews. The RID application provides the means for project review participants to access deliverable data packs, contractual or technical baselines as well as requirements documentation via the web. RID supports the complete work flow of the approval and review process, and the assignment and lifecycle management of actions and eventual closure of RIDs in accordance with the ECCS standards.

EEE is a customisable and centralised database of EEE parts and related Declared Components Lists (DCLs). It allows creating, storing and qualifying EEE parts for future usage in any space project as well as accessing a record of EEE parts which shows in which project they were used previously. The database allows collecting the details of a EEE part, which can define the type, component manufacturer, geographic location of the manufacturer, specifications, distributor and space qualification status. The database also allows selecting the qualified EEE parts for a specific project and then creating a Declared Component List from these selected parts.

About Sapienza Consulting Ltd
Sapienza Consulting Ltd is a leading provider of software solutions, services and manpower to the institutional and commercial space industry. Sapienza has been a supplier to the European Space Agency for over 19 years. A team of software architects and developers, space engineering and consultancy experts staff our three offices in the UK, the Netherlands and Italy.

For Media information contact:
Sapienza Consulting Ltd
Space Business Park
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB
The Netherlands

Ph: +31(0)71 407 6518
Fx: +31(0)71 407 6536


Thursday, 04 April 2013 12:45

eRISK (Risk Management Module)

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eRISK (Risk Management Module) is the latest module integrated into the ECLIPSE Suite. It fully supports the specific risk management process needs of space projects and missions. It allows recording, assessing, monitoring, mitigating and/or resolving risks identified and associated with a complex engineering or scientific projects (in accordance to ECSS and ISO standards).

As and added value, Risk and Risk Assessment related actions can be created and managed in the AIM module at any point of the project life cycle. All the decisions made from the Action Items (AIs) can be traced at any time, allowing appropriate project members to have the relevant information to make important and timely decisions regarding the risk item. The eRISK module also provides its users with a reporting possibility that allows producing tabular, and in future visual and trend reports.

Core Features
• ECSS Compliance
• Risk Management
• Risk Analysis
• Reporting Capability
• Pre-defined customisable user roles
• Auditing of changes
• User-level security
• Integrates Risk-related actions with AIM
• Provides user notification

Wednesday, 20 March 2013 12:53

ICM (Industry Capability Mapping database)

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ICM (Industry Capability Mapping) DB is the tool which any organisation (industrial or institutional) serious about strategic technology (and supply chain) management, should have at their disposal. It offers its user the ability to construct and manage a centralized web-based database of organizations (products and services) engaged in (or supplying in) a specific industrial sector. This invaluable asset allows SMEs, Institutions and large prime contractors alike, to better manage their strategic technology programs, reducing technological risk and allowing better-informed decision in procurement.

ICM empowers the organisation supply chain personnel with a web collaborative environment, where they can record and track evolving suppliers capabilities (including key performance indicators of products and service offering) against their own organisation long-term strategic capability and technological requirements.

The European Space Agency (ESA) currently uses ICM DB to manage key aspects of their technology program; the tool provides an up-to-date mapping of the European technological competences and capabilities offering (at National and European level), versus the ESA technology and competences requirements tree.

Core Features

  • ECSS Compliance
  • Strategic Technology Management
  • Reporting Capability
  • Strategic Competitor Analysis
  • Knowledge Management
  • Competences Mapping
  • Strategic Supplier Management
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For the first time Electrical, Electronic and Electromechanical database (EEE DB) offers industry and governmental space project teams, a way of collaborating in populating of a trusted EEE parts database, and the lifecycle management of DCLs (Declared Components Lists) in projects.

EEE is composed by a highly customisable and centralised database in which the managing organisation can store electronically data about pre-qualified (or trusted) EEE parts for use in space projects. And a parallel project-based database that contains all the records of these EEE parts utilisation within DCLs created as part of previous and or concurrent projects.

EEE DB has been designed and built in collaboration between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Sapienza.

The currently available release of the EEE application enables the following features:

  • Address issues relating to parts selection in space industry projects
  • Provide an user-friendly tool that industrial teams trust to use in the creation of electronic official DCLs
  • Allow different roles to review and approve the process at various stages
  • Permit access to only information specific to the activity and project
  • Create an easy to access record of EEE parts used in previous projects
  • Display DCLs for all projects where EEE part assigned

Core Features

  • Management of EEE parts
  • Management of Declared Components Lists (DCLs)
  • Knowledge Management
  • Reporting Capability
  • Actions Management
  • ECSS Compliance
  • Product Assurance
  • Data Integration
  • Data Customisation
Wednesday, 20 March 2013 12:40

NCTS (Non-Conformance Tracking System)

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NCTS is the only web-based (ECSS Standards compliant and ESA proven) application that supports the recording, evolution, reporting and reviewing of Non-Conformances (NC) raised against components of a system, which can be structured in a product-tree like manner.

NCTS enables the collaborative performance of NRBs (Non Conformance Review Boards) and recording of minutes, dispositions and actions. The application allows users from organisations involved in system (design, production or operation) to create Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs) and explore different areas of the system based their permissions. Depending on the user's access level, NCTS determines to which section(s) of a product tree this user has access and whether s/he can view or create NCRs (or initiate NRBs). The tool allows the user to enter all the details about the Non-Conformance (and NRB) on-line, including supporting documentation and evidence such as minutes of meetings, images, videos etc.

NCTS has been the European Space Agency (ESA) tool of choice for managing Non-Conformances for nearly a decade. ESA small projects and flagship missions alike, use and benefit from the NCTS application, often inviting their industrial partners to use the NCTS system collaboratively. Several prime contractors and SMEs, have also adopted NCTS, improving their ability to manage internal Non-Conformances as well as those of their suppliers.

Core Features

  • ECSS Compliance
  • Reporting Capability
  • Non-Conformance Review Board
  • Web-Based
  • Product Tree Based
  • Non-Conformance Reporting
  • Non-Conformance Management
  • Video, Images and Doc Attachments
  • Collaborative
  • ESA proven
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