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Honeybee Robotics Spacecraft Mechanisms Corporation

Honeybee Robotics Spacecraft Mechanisms Corporation is a spacecraft technology and robotics company located in New York, USA.

Honeybee Robotics has particular expertise in developing and operating small mechanical tools used on Mars missions. Some of the robotic devices it has developed and successfully demonstrated on Mars include:

  • The Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT) instruments used on both Mars Exploration Rovers.
  • The Icy Soil Acquisition Device (ISAD), sometimes called the "Phoenix Scoop", a soil scoop and a precision ice-sampling tool successfully demonstrated on the 2008 Mars Phoenix Lander mission,
  • The Sample Manipulation System and Dust Removal Tool used on the Mars Science Laboratory mission, which landed in August 2012.
  • In addition, they are developing tools to be used to live and work on the moon as part of NASA's Constellation program.

Honeybee Robotics delivers flight-qualified products, from specialized mechanical components to precision positioning and deployment systems. It also offesr a range of engineering services, from specification development to design, build, test, and integration of a final product. 

Honeybee Robotics was established in 1983.

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