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HISPASAT is a global satellite operator offering coverage and quality service in Europe, America, Canada and North America. Its target is the Spanish and Portuguese language markets.

HISPASAT is dedicated to distribute satellite television, radio channels and the transmission of digital television platforms in Europe, America and North Africa. It's satellites allow for the most advanced telecommunication services for business, providing broadband access to the Internet and the development of new interactive and multimedia services related to digital technology such as: tele-training, content distribution, video and movies on demand, and high quality video conferencing.

HISPASAT has been established in 1989.

In 2012, the HISPASAT's satellite communications system includes satellites located at the following orbital positions:

  • A transatlantic position at 30º West, where satellites are located, Hispasat 1C, Hispasat 1D, Hispasat 1E and Spainsat
  • An American position at 61º East, where the Amazonas 1 y 2 satellites, and
  • An oriental position at 29º East, in which the Xtar-Eur satellite is located.

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