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Asteroid Initiatives LLC

Asteroid Initiative’s Bradbury CubeSat deploying Pixies onto the moon of asteroid Didymos. Asteroid Initiative’s Bradbury CubeSat deploying Pixies onto the moon of asteroid Didymos.

Asteroid Initiatives, LLC,was founded to unlock the economic potential of deep space through asteroid exploration and economic development.

Asteroid Initiatives has developed Pixie femtospacecraft, currently under consideration as a candidate for the CubeSat Opportunity Payloads (COPINS) of the ESA Asteroid Impact Mission. In this technology demonstration, a swarm of 40 Pixie femtospacecraft would be deployed to blanket the moon of the binary asteroid (65803) Didymos with a wide variety of sensors as part of the AIDA (Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment) asteroid defense test being jointly considered by ESA and NASA.

This technology will be an essential part of asteroid prospecting and mining, giving Asteroid Initiatives a lead in the commercial exploitation of space resources.

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