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Sydney, Australia (SPX) Mar 05, 2024
In a significant milestone for China's space exploration efforts, the Shenzhou XVII mission astronauts conducted a critical repair operation during their second spacewalk at the Tiangong space station, marking the first instance of such an endeavor by Chinese astronauts. The China Manned Space Agency confirmed that mission commander Senior Colonel Tang Hongbo and crew member Lieutenant Col
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Sydney, Australia (SPX) Mar 05, 2024
Australia is poised to make a giant leap in its space exploration and commercialization efforts with the green light for its first orbital launch site, the Bowen Orbital Spaceport, located in Queensland. This historic milestone comes with the approval of the country's inaugural orbital launch facility license under the Space (Launches and Returns) Act 2018, setting the stage for domestic and com
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Astronaut graduates from the United States and United Arab Emirates during a ceremony at the NASA Johnson Space Center
Astronaut graduates from the United States and United Arab Emirates during a ceremony at the NASA Johnson Space Center.

After two years of rigorous training, ten Americans officially became astronauts on Tuesday, and are now eligible for planned NASA missions to the International Space Station, the moon, and—if all goes well—to Mars.

Two Emiratis who trained alongside them also graduated Tuesday during a ceremony at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Members of the class, nicknamed "The Flies," were selected from more than 12,000 applicants in 2021 and their training included simulated spacewalking, robotics, space station systems, and more.

"You are here because you are exceptional," said NASA associate administrator Jim Free. We ask you to sit on the pointy end of a rocket and risk your life to advance our nation's goal to explore the unknown.

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Credit: Pixabay from Pexels

Three US astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut arrived Tuesday at the International Space Station for a six-month mission on board the orbiting laboratory.

During their stay, in which they are rotating in to replace departing crew, some 200 scientific experiments are scheduled to be carried out.

The quartet blasted off from Florida late Sunday aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

The docked with the ISS and its hatch was opened at 3:50 am Tuesday US eastern time (0850 GMT), with the smiling new arrivals hugging their colleagues as they entered, a live feed of the docking showed.

This is the eighth standard ISS crew rotation mission performed by SpaceX for the US space agency NASA, reflected in the mission name: Crew-8.

American Michael Barratt is the only Crew-8 astronaut to have already visited the space station. The ISS stay is the first for Americans Matthew Dominick and Jeanette Epps, and Russian Alexander Grebenkin.

They join seven crew already on board the ISS.

After a transition period of a few days, the four members of Crew-7—from Denmark, Japan, Russia and the United States—will return to Earth aboard another SpaceX capsule.

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Boston MA (SPX) Mar 05, 2024
As it trundles around an ancient lakebed on Mars, NASA's Perseverance rover is assembling a one-of-a-kind rock collection. The car-sized explorer is methodically drilling into the Red Planet's surface and pulling out cores of bedrock that it's storing in sturdy titanium tubes. Scientists hope to one day return the tubes to Earth and analyze their contents for traces of embedded microbial life.
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Washington DC (SPX) Mar 05, 2024
Humans living in space have confronted the challenge of maximizing the physical space available to them. As NASA works to return astronauts to the Moon with its Artemis campaign and chart a new era of deep space exploration with Gateway, humanity's first space station in lunar orbit, being organized and space-efficient is important. To help address the iss
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Luxembourg (SPX) Mar 05, 2024
ispace EUROPE S.A., a Luxembourg-based subsidiary of ispace, inc., has entered into a strategic memorandum of understanding with Control Data Systems SRL (CDS). This collaboration is aimed at developing localization and telecommunications technology to for Lunar applications in support of the quest for sustainable human presence and infrastructure development on Earth's natural satellite.
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Oak Ridge TN (SPX) Mar 04, 2024
A U.S. mission to land astronauts on the surface of Mars will be unlike any other extraterrestrial landing ever undertaken by NASA. Although the space agency has successfully landed nine robotic missions on Mars since its first surface missions in 1976 with the Viking Project, safely bringing humans to Mars will require new technologies for flight through the Martian atmosphere. But these
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Pasadena CA (JPL) Mar 04, 2024
Earth planning date: Friday, March 1, 2024: The "Mineral King" drill hole did not quite reach the target depth that we typically desire to ensure that we have enough sample in the drill stem to deliver to our internal CheMin and SAM instruments. However, based on the information we did have (see details in the Sol 4110 blog), we proceeded with delivery to CheMin, and got the good news yest
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Washington DC (SPX) Mar 05, 2024
Scientists with NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter have calculated the rate of oxygen being produced at the Jovian moon Europa to be substantially less than most previous studies. Published on March 4 in Nature Astronomy, the findings were derived by measuring hydrogen outgassing from the icy moon's surface using data collected by the spacecraft's Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE) instr
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Philadelphia PA (SPX) Mar 05, 2024
On a given night, the Allegheny Observatory might be hosting an open house, a lecture given by astronomy experts, educational programs for kids or tours set aside specifically for teachers and their families. Most nights of the week, Pitt students are also at the observatory, hard at work learning how to use the tools of astronomy to explore the night sky and understand the rules that gove
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Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Mar 04, 2024
Axelspace Corporation, a Tokyo-based leader in the microsatellite sector, has announced the scheduled launch of its latest demonstration satellite, PYXIS. The launch is set to take place on March 4, 2024, utilizing SpaceX's reliable Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, USA. This mission, dubbed Transporter-10, aims to place PYXIS into a sun-synchronous orbit between 50
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Los Angeles CA (SPX) Mar 05, 2024
An international team of astronomers, led by Naman Bajaj from the University of Arizona, has utilized the unparalleled capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to provide new insights into the final stages of planet formation. This marks the first time scientists have imaged winds emanating from an aging, yet still planet-forming, disk around the young star TCha, offering a rare gli
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