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London, UK (SPX) May 10, 2023
Supernal and Inmarsat announced a partnership to define the application of satellite connectivity in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM). Together, the companies will conduct testing and data sharing to optimize hardware and network systems, which will lead to the safe and efficient integration of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicles into the airspace. During vehicle testing, Sup
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Medford MA (SPX) May 11, 2023
To make it possible for cellular agriculture-the process of growing meat in bioreactors-to feed millions of people, several technical challenges will have to be overcome. Muscle cells from chicken, fish, cows, and other food sources will have to be grown to produce millions of metric tons per year. Toward this goal, researchers at Tufts University Center for Cellular Agriculture (TUCCA) develope
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Cape Canaveral FL (SPX) May 11, 2023
Sidus Space (NASDAQ: SIDU) has selected ATLAS Space Operations (ATLAS) to expand ground station services. The agreement is set to significantly increase the global network of ground stations for the LizzieSat constellation and further solidify Sidus Space's position as a leader in Space and Defense-as-a-Service solutions. ATLAS Space Operations provides Ground Software as a Service (GSaaS)
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Vienna VA (SPX) May 10, 2023
The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has awarded a contract to Spire Global's newly acquired subsidiary, ExactEarth Ltd., for preparatory work on its WildFireSat mission. The mission aims to monitor all active wildfires in Canada from space on a daily basis to support wildfire management, provide Canadians with more precise information on smoke and air quality conditions, and more accurately measure

Element-ary, My Dear WATSON

Thursday, 11 May 2023 10:06
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Pasadena CA (JPL) May 11, 2023
When it comes to searching for clues about Mars' geologic past and present, SHERLOC and WATSON are on the case! SHERLOC stands for Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals, and WATSON stands for Wide Angle Topographic Sensor for Operations and eNgineering. SHERLOC and WATSON both sit at the end of Perseverance's robotic arm, and their names pay homag
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Beijing (XNA) May 11, 2023
The Beijing Institute of Technology recently received 500 milligrams of the lunar samples brought back by the Chang'e 5 mission. BIT's research team will study the material characteristics of these samples and related manufacturing technology, with the building of a future lunar research station in mind. Shen Jun, a professor with the School of Mechanical Engineering at BIT, noted th
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College Park MD (SPX) May 11, 2023
For more than a decade, astronomers have been trying to get a closer look at GJ 1214b, an exoplanet 40 light-years away from Earth. Their biggest obstacle is a thick layer of haze that blankets the planet, shielding it from the probing eyes of space telescopes and stymying efforts to study its atmosphere. NASA's new James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) solved that issue. The telescope's infra
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Pasadena CA (JPL) May 11, 2023
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has observed a distant planet outside our solar system - and unlike anything in it - to reveal what is likely a highly reflective world with a steamy atmosphere. It's the closest look yet at the mysterious world, a "mini-Neptune" that was largely impenetrable to previous observations. And while the planet, called GJ 1214 b, is too hot to harbor liquid-wate
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University Park PA (SPX) May 11, 2023
More than a hundred blazars - distant and active galaxies with a central supermassive black hole that drives powerful jets - have been newly characterized by Penn State researchers from a catalog of previously unclassified high-energy cosmic emissions. The new blazars, which are dim relative to more typical blazars, have allowed the researchers to test a controversial theory of blazar emissions,
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Beijing, China (SPX) May 11, 2023
China's Large High-Altitude Air Shower Observatory, one of the world's most advanced cosmic ray observatories, passed national appraisal on Wednesday. The facility will help scientists uncover the origins of high-energy cosmic rays and expand humanity's knowledge of the universe. Cosmic rays are high-energy particles consisting mainly of protons and atomic nuclei that travel through space
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Tokyo (AFP) May 11, 2023
Fiery streaks of light across the night sky over southern Japan may have been caused by space debris from a rocket launched by China, Japanese officials said Thursday. Video of the apparent fireballs lit up social media on Wednesday night, with residents and users speculating on what might have caused the unusual display. The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)'s Ishigaki b
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Beijing (XNA) May 11, 2023
The Tianzhou 6 robotic cargo ship connected with the Tiangong space station early Thursday morning, according to the China Manned Space Agency. In a brief news release, the agency said the cargo craft docked with the Tiangong station's rear hatch at 5:16 am and began to fly with the station in a low-Earth orbit about 400 kilometers above Earth. Crew members of the Shenzhou XV mission
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Above ground biomass 2020

Monitoring fluctuating forest carbon from space

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EchoStar said its long-awaited Jupiter 3 satellite should be ready for a Falcon Heavy launch in August, although its deployment faces further delays if a higher priority government project takes this window.

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iROSA deployed on ISS

Redwire reported record revenue in the first quarter as the space technology company gets closer to profitability.

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