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NASA selects Umbra for their CSDA Program

Friday, 06 October 2023 11:19
Washington DC (SPX) Oct 05, 2023
Umbra, a leader in advanced space radar technology, announced it has been selected by The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as a commercial provider for its Commercial Satellite Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. The CSDA Program will acquire Umbra Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data under a five-year, multiple-award, Indefinite delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract in su
Copenhagen, Denmark (SPX) Oct 04, 2023
In recent years, astronomy has seen itself in a bit of crisis: Although we know that the Universe expands, and although we know approximately how fast, the two primary ways to measure this expansion do not agree. Now astrophysicists from the Niels Bohr Institute suggest a novel method which may help resolve this tension. b>The Universe expands br> /b> We've known this ever since Edwin Hu
Boulder OC (SPX) Oct 04, 2023
Venus may be a (slightly) gentler place than some scientists give it credit for. In new research, space physicists at the University of Colorado Boulder have jumped into a surprisingly long-running debate in solar system science: Does lightning strike on the second planet from the sun? The team's results add strong new evidence suggesting that, no, you probably wouldn't see bolts of
San Antonio TX (SPX) Oct 04, 2023
NASA has selected a new SwRI-managed heliophysics mission focused on investigating the Sun's middle corona - an enigmatic region of the Sun's atmosphere driving solar activity - for a Phase A, mission definition study. Southwest Research Institute's Dr. Dan Seaton is deputy principal investigator of the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian-led EUV CME and Coronal Connectivity Observ
Paris (AFP) Oct 5, 2023
Last month was the hottest September on record by an "extraordinary" margin as the world flirts dangerously with breaching a key warming limit, the EU climate monitor said on Thursday. Much of the world sweltered through unseasonably warm weather in September, in a year expected to be the hottest in human history and after the warmest-ever global temperatures during the Northern Hemisphere s
Evanston IL (SPX) Oct 04, 2023
A team led by Northwestern University researchers has developed the first artificial intelligence (AI) to date that can intelligently design robots from scratch. To test the new AI, the researchers gave the system a simple prompt: Design a robot that can walk across a flat surface. While it took nature billions of years to evolve the first walking species, the new algorithm compressed evol
West Lafayette IN (SPX) Oct 04, 2023
by David D. Nolte | Professor - Physics and Astronomy, Purdue On April 8, 1911, Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes scribbled in pencil an almost unintelligible note into a kitchen notebook: "near enough null." The note referred to the electrical resistance he'd measured during a landmark experiment that would later be credited as the discovery of superconductivity. But first, he
Inspecting CubeSats

Among the smallest passengers aboard Europe’s Vega launch tonight are also the most ambitious in nature: twin miniaturised laboratories, or CubeSats, for the in-orbit demonstration of disruptive state-of-the-art space technologies. 

Microscopic image of watermeal plant after hypergravity exposure

The smallest flowering plant on Earth might become a nutritious foodstuff for astronauts in the future, as well as a highly efficient source of oxygen. To help test their suitability for space, floating clumps of watermeal – individually the size of pinheads – were subjected to 20 times normal Earth gravity aboard ESA’s Large Diameter Centrifuge by a team from Mahidol University in Thailand.

ESA Impact 2023 – Quarter 3

Friday, 06 October 2023 07:10

ESA Impact 2023 – Quarter 3

Welcome to this edition of ESA Impact, an interactive publication covering stories and images from the third quarter of 2023.

The heart of the Nueva Vizcaya Province on Luzon, the largest and most populated island of the Philippines, shows up brightly in this Copernicus Sentinel-2 false-colour image. Image: The heart of the Nueva Vizcaya Province on Luzon, the largest and most populated island of the Philippines, shows up brightly in this Copernicus Sentinel-2 false-colour image.

Open doors for the ESA-ESRIN Open Day

Friday, 06 October 2023 07:00
Video: 00:05:59

On Friday 29 September, the European Space Agency opened the doors of the ESA Centre for Earth Observation, ESRIN, to host the ESA Open Day in the framework of the European Researchers' Night. With a full program of presentations, interviews, interactive games, hands-on workshops and various activities, more than 1400 people, among adults and children, had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the activities and programs in which ESA is involved every day.

Plane landing in Zurich

More than 150 000 aircraft and 5000 airports worldwide are equipped with Satellite-based Augmentation System (SBAS) technology for safer flying. Specialists overseeing these systems met from 19 to 21 September for the 38th SBAS Interoperability Working Group meeting, hosted by ESA in Toulouse, to coordinate efforts for seamless navigation.

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