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Geminids meteor shower peaks this week under dark skies
The Geminid meteor shower lights up the night sky above Tybee Island, Ga., early Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017. The year’s best meteor shower, the Geminids, peaks this week, with lucky stargazers seeing as many as one or even two a minute in the darkest spots. The meteors will reach their frenzy Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023. Credit: Will Peebles/Savannah Morning News via AP, File

Dragon rider

Wednesday, 13 December 2023 16:01
Dragon rider Image: Dragon rider

Webb identifies tiniest free-floating brown dwarf

Wednesday, 13 December 2023 14:00

Discovery helps answer the question: How small can you go when forming stars?
Brown dwarfs are sometimes called failed stars, since they form like stars through gravitational collapse, but never gain enough mass to ignite nuclear fusion. The smallest brown dwarfs can overlap in mass with giant planets. In a quest to find the smallest brown dwarf, astronomers using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope have found the new record-holder: an object weighing just three to four times the mass of Jupiter.

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Dec 12, 2023
SpaceX has announced further revisions to the schedule for the Falcon Heavy's launch of the USSF-52 mission. The launch, initially set for December 10 and then the 11th and 12th, is now targeted for no earlier than Wednesday, December 13 at 8:14 p.m. ET. This latest delay stems from a 'ground side issue', marking a deviation from the earlier weather-related postponement. SpaceX has also prepared a backup launch opportunity for Wednesday, December 14, should it be necessary.
London, UK (SPX) Dec 12, 2023
AAC Clyde Space, a leader in small satellite technology, has recently been awarded a significant contract by Iota Technology to spearhead a pioneering satellite mission. This project, a key component of the MagQuest competition, aims to enhance our understanding of the Earth's magnetic field. The total value of the order is approximately GBP 1.94 million, translating to around SEK 25.5 million.
Warwick UK (SPX) Dec 12, 2023
Scientists are developing an experiment to test whether gravity is quantum - one of the deepest questions about our universe. General relativity and quantum mechanics are the two most fundamental descriptions of nature we have. General relativity explains gravity on large scales while quantum mechanics explains the behaviour of atoms and molecules. Arguably the most important unsolve
Pasadena CA (JPL) Dec 12, 2023
NASA's EMIT mission has created the first comprehensive maps of the world's mineral dust-source regions, providing precise locations of 10 key minerals based on how they reflect and absorb light. When winds loft these substances into the air, they either cool or warm the atmosphere and Earth's surface, depending on their composition. Understanding their abundance around the globe will help resea
Berkeley CA (SPX) Dec 12, 2023
A panel of the nation's top particle physicists, chaired by University of California, Berkeley, theoretician Hitoshi Murayama, has issued its final report recommending how the U.S. government should commit its high-energy physics research funds for the next decade and beyond, focusing on neutrinos, dark matter and the cosmic microwave background. The report by the Particle Physics Project

Design the patch for Hera’s Milani CubeSat

Wednesday, 13 December 2023 09:47
Milani patch contest

Milani needs you! This is your chance to design a mission patch for the Milani CubeSat which will fly with ESA's Hera planetary defence spacecraft to the Didymos binary asteroid system. 

A mission for the Rosalind Franklin rover

Wednesday, 13 December 2023 09:45
Video: 00:01:25

Trailer of the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin mission.

In 2028, ESA will launch its most ambitious exploration mission to search for past and present signs of life on Mars.

Enjoy the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin mission in minute detail – everything down to the colour and size of the wires, sticky tape and scratches. The spacecraft, the rover and martian landscapes are as true to reality as possible for a simulation. The visuals show the spacecraft structural engineering with a faithful robotic appearance. The martian landscape has been simulated with meticulous realism.

The story begins with the rover exploring the surface of

HyImpulse hybrid rocket motor test

Wednesday, 13 December 2023 09:27
Video: 00:00:28

Testing the 75kN hybrid rocket motor made by HyImpulse at German Aerospace Center, DLR’s Lampoldshausen facility in Germany, based on a low-cost hybrid propulsion technology. The rocket motor uses "space-grade candle wax" and liquid oxygen as propellants.

HyImpulse Technologies, based in Neuenstadt am Kocher in Southern Germany is developing a three-stage small launcher. Their three-stage launch vehicle, called SL1, will also be powered by green hybrid propulsion technology, using liquid oxygen and paraffin as propellants. The lightweight rocket is designed to launch small satellites up to 500 kg out to low-Earth orbit.

HyImpulse technologies was one of the first

Clean water for space and Earth

Wednesday, 13 December 2023 08:00
ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen with the Aquamembrane-3 experiment

Access to clean water is essential for humans.  ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen is helping to understand how to do it efficiently and at larger scales by testing water filtration membranes on the International Space Station as part of his Huginn mission.

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