Copernical Team
MESSENGER (an acronym of MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) is a robotic NASA spacecraft orbiting the planet Mercury, the first spacecraft ever to do so.
The spacecraft was launched aboard a Delta II rocket in August 2004 to study Mercury's chemical composition, geology, and magnetic field. It became the second mission after 1975's Mariner 10 to reach Mercury successfully when it made a flyby in January 2008, followed by a second flyby in October 2008, and a third flyby in September 2009.
The instruments carried by MESSENGER were tested on a complex series of flybys – the spacecraft flew by Earth once, Venus twice, and Mercury itself three times, allowing it to decelerate relative to Mercury using minimal fuel. MESSENGER successfully entered Mercury's orbit on March 18, 2011, and reactivated its science instruments on March 24, returning the first photo from Mercury orbit on March 29. MESSENGER's formal data collection mission began on April 4, 2011. On March 17, 2012, having collected close to 100,000 images, MESSENGER ended its one-year primary mission and entered an extended mission scheduled to last until March 2013.
Space Communication Ltd (Spacecom)
Spacecom (Space Communication ltd), is a communications satellite operator in the Middle East, European Union and North America.
Spacecom is headquartered in the city of Ramat Gan, Israel. Spacecom operates the AMOS satellite family. Two satellites are at orbital position 4° West – AMOS 2 and AMOS 3.
[ merged in 2013 in Aerojet Rocketdyne ]
Aerojet was an American rocket and missile propulsion manufacturer based primarily in Rancho Cordova, California, with divisions in Redmond, Washington, Orange, Gainesville (both in Virginia) and Camden, Arkansas.
Aerojet was owned by GenCorp. It was one of the rare companies that provide both solid rocket motors and liquid rocket engines. Its products include a range of motors, from main engines used on a number of NASA vehicles and ballistic missiles, down to station-keeping thrusters for spacecraft. The propulsion devices include rocket motors as large as the EELV Atlas V strap-on rocket boosters.
Aerojet provided almost all of the USA Army's tactical missile rocket motors. They develop and manufacture a range of air breathing ramjet and scramjet engines. They also do research in the area of electric ion and Hall effect thrusters.
Deep Space Industries (DSI)
Deep Space Industries (DSI) is an American company created with the objective to mine asteroids for metals and other materials.
DSI believes the human race is ready to begin harvesting the resources of space. DSI Mission is the following: to build on the heritage of the first age of space exploration and harness the power of a new age of information to locate, explore, harvest and utilize the vast numbers of asteroids in Earth's community. Deep Space Industries is playing the long game and will position itself to be the leader in space resource harvesting and utilization by developing a carefully planned track record of capability, credibility and expertise.
Skylon (spaceplane)
Skylon is a design for a spaceplane by the British company Reaction Engines Limited (REL).
It uses SABRE, a combined-cycle, air-breathing rocket engine, to reach orbit in a single stage. A fleet of vehicles is envisaged; the design is aiming for re-usability for more than 200 times.
As of 2012, only a small portion of the funding required to develop and build Skylon had been secured. The research and development work on the SABRE engine design is proceeding under a small European Space Agency (ESA) grant.
Avatar (spaceplane)
AVATAR (from "Aerobic Vehicle for Hypersonic Aerospace TrAnspoRtation") was a concept development effort for a single-stage reusable spaceplane capable of horizontal takeoff and landing, by India's Defense Research and Development Organization along with Indian Space Research Organization and other research institutions.
The mission concept was for cheaper military and civilian satellite space launches. The idea was to develop a hyperplane vehicle that can take off from conventional airfields, collect air in the atmosphere on the way up, liquefy it, separate oxygen and store it on board for subsequent flight beyond the atmosphere. The AVATAR RLV was first announced in May 1998 at the Aero India 98 exhibition held at Bangalore. It was planned to be the size of a MiG-25 fighter and would be capable of delivering a 500 kg to 1,000 kg payload to low earth orbit at very low cost for an estimated vehicle life of 100 launches.
Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF)
The Commercial Spaceflight Federation is a private American spaceflight industry group, incorporated as an industry association for the purposes of establishing ever higher levels of safety for the commercial human spaceflight industry, sharing best practices and expertise, and promoting the growth of the industry worldwide.
Issues that the Commercial Spaceflight Federation work on include, but are not limited to, the STIM-Grants program for spaceport infrastructure, FAA regulations and permits, industry safety standards, public outreach, and public advocacy for the commercial space sector.
Its mission: "To promote the development of commercial human spaceflight, pursue ever higher levels of safety, and share best practices and expertise throughout the industry."
COM DEV International
COM DEV International Ltd. is a global designer and manufacturer of space hardware.
COM DEV is a leader in the production of space-qualified passive microwave equipment, specialized electronics and optical subsystems. In 2012 the company has over 1,100 employees at facilities in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Magellium is a company of specialists on the leading edge of technology who leverage their expert knowledge in signal and image processing, geomatics, innovative learning technologies, robotics and intelligent systems to offer high value-added engineering, systems design, solutions and services.
Its activities cover Space, Defense & Security, Health, Industry.
The Institut au service du spatial, de ses applications et technologies (ISSAT) (in English Institute of Space, its Applications and Technologies), is a French association supported by French Ministry of Education, created in 1995 in order to develop the aerospace activities in Toulouse and to help developing the knowledge of aerospace in France and Europe.