Copernical Team
SENER completes hard capture system for universal docking mechanism

X-BOW Systems unveils 3D Printed solid rocket motors

NASA Administrator Statement on President’s FY 2023 Budget Request

Declaración del administrador de la NASA sobre la solicitud de presupuesto del presidente para el año fiscal 2023

Video: Past, present, and future of women in space

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing women the right to vote. "Past, Present, and Future of Women in Space," is an inspirational program to reflect on the stories and contributions of women in space and STEM through the lens of the past, present, and future.
In addition to special guests, you'll hear from a panel of NASA's own female "firsts" and pioneers, including astronaut Stephanie Wilson; Clara Ma, NASA's Curiosity rover naming contest winner; Charlie Blackwell-Thompson, launch director at Kennedy Space Center; and moderator Dr. Christyl Johnson, Deputy Director for Technology and Research Investments at Goddard Space Flight Center.
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Winning rovers of lunar polar challenge

The poles of the Moon have emerged as enticing goals for future exploration, given their potential for harbouring water and other volatiles. So ESA and the European Space Resources Innovation Centre, ESRIC, challenged European and Canadian engineering teams to develop vehicles capable of prospecting resources within in these shadowy regions – then put their designs to the test in a realistic lunar analog environment. Five winning teams have now been selected from this challenge, receiving €75 000 contracts each to move their rovers forward to the next phase of the contest.
In Australia, Raymond highlights importance of space, need for allies

Identifying RF and GPS interferences for military applications with satellite data

Webb continues multi-instrument alignment