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Sunday, 06 November 2011 10:20

Huge asteroid closer than Moon on 8th Nov 2011 !!

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A huge asteroid about the size of an aircraft carrier will zoom past our planet next week, flying between the Earth and the orbit of the moon when it flies by on Tuesday (Nov. 8).

 The space rock, called asteroid 2005 YU55, poses no threat to the Earth but will be observed by excited astronomers around the world. It's about 1,300 feet (400 meters) wide, round and blacker than coal, NASA scientists said.


 At its closest point, asteroid 2005 YU55 will pass Earth at a range of about 201,700 miles (324,600 kilometers on Tuesday at 6:28 p.m. EST (2328 GMT). The average distance between the moon and Earth is about 238,854 miles (384,399 km).

"This is particularly exiting since it is the first time since 1976 that an object of this size has passed this closely to the Earth," said Scott Fisher, a program director of the NSF's Division of Astronomical Sciences, in an NSF webchat Thursday (Nov. 3) organized by ScienceNow. "It gives us a great (and rare!) chance to study a near-Earth object like this. In fact, we have several telescopes set up and ready to observe this event already."

Read 1527 times Last modified on Monday, 03 June 2019 17:52

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