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Lens Research and development is currently a one man company owned and operated by Johan Leijtens. The activities employed span…
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Liège Space Center (French: Centre spatial de Liège, CSL) is a research center of the University of Liège in Belgium. …
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LiftPort Group is a privately held Uited State corporation. Founded in April, the company is focused on the construction of…
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Lockheed Martin is an American global aerospace, defense, security, and advanced technology company with worldwide interests. It was formed by…
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Logica is a global IT and management consultancy company headquartered in Reading, United Kingdom. Logica is a management consultancy, outsourcing…
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Loral Space & Communications Inc. is a satellite communications company. The company was formed in 1996 from the remnants of …
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LSE Space is a German space consultancy company. It has been supporting satellite and manned missions for twenty years in…
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The Lunar and Planetary Institute is an American research institute that provides support services to NASA and the planetary science…
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small satellite integrator, TT&C sub-system responsible for European Geostationary Satellite Programs, feasibility studies, satellite simulators, earth-observation data products
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MacDonald, Dettwiler & Associates Ltd (MDA) is a Canadian aerospace, information services and products company, employing over 3000 people throughout…
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Machinalis is a company dedicated to Research and Software development, being Python, Django and Agiles methodologies as the founding tools…
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Magellan Aerospace designs and manufactures an array of space and rocket systems. Magellan's engineering team can develop rocket motors systems…