...the who's who,
and the what's what 
of the space industry

Projects Menu

There are two submenus;

  • View Projects Registry
  • Add to Projects Registry


View Projects Registry submenu

This page lists the projects published by members in ascending alphabetical order. The directory of projects can be searched and filtered using the search block on the left sidebar. Searches can be made using the following parameters;

  • Title A-Z
  • Title
  • Article text
  • Tags
  • Country

Several parameters can be selected to refine the search to a smaller dataset. Reset the search criteria to return to the full list again.


Add to Projects Registry submenu

This page allows a new project entry to be created.    A new project comprises the following items that can be entered;

Title State the project title.
Published Indicates whether this project is published or hidden from view.  Unpublished projects will remain visible only to the author but not visible to others.
Category Set to Projects
Access Set whether the project will be availble to public or registered logged in members only. Default is Public.
Content Tab  
Intro A short paragraph introducing the project or the first paragraph
Full text The full text or the remaining text if the initial paragraph is in the intro text.
Image Tab Add an image file to this entry and include a caption and image credits if applicable
Image Gallery Add several additional images to create a gallery
Extra Fields Select the country where the project is based.  Enter an external link to the manufacturers site if available.  Enter a link to the wikipedia page if available.
Attachments Upload any attachments related to the projects such as project plan, specifications etc.

Project entries can be edited and deleted from the project entry page, if you are the author you will have a link to edit.