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Copernical Team

Copernical Team

Tuesday, 01 February 2022 13:00

Apply now for the 2022 YGT opportunities!

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The 2022 ESA YGT opportunities are now open for applications. Positions are available in engineering, science, IT and business services. Find out more and apply now.  

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Asteroid 2020 XL5 has been confirmed as the second known Earth Trojan asteroid

You may have heard of the Trojans, two vast swarms of asteroids that lead and trail Jupiter on its orbit around the Sun.

But the king of the planets doesn’t hold a monopoly on Trojan asteroids. The physics that gives rise to the formation of these distinctive collections of ancient rocks is the same for all planets – including Earth.

While the existence of Earth Trojans had been theorised for many years, the first direct observation of one was confirmed just over a decade ago. Since then, no second Earth Trojan

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Greenbelt MD (SPX) Jan 28, 2022
Scientists repeatedly check the weather forecasts as they prepare aircraft for flight and perform last-minute checks on science instruments. There's a large winter storm rolling in, but that's exactly what these storm-chasing scientists are hoping for. The team is tracking storms across the Midwest and Eastern United States in two NASA planes equipped with scientific instruments to help un
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Washington DC (AFNS) Jan 25, 2022
While the United States military remains "the best in the world," Department of the Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said Jan. 19 that the Air and Space Forces must move quickly to adapt and modernize to offset actions by China and others that have dented the "presumption of superiority" held by the U.S. Kendall offered the assessment during a 45-minute "virtual fireside chat" sponsored b
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Paris (AFP) Feb 01, 2022
As the race to send people to the Moon and beyond heats up, Europe faces calls to make a choice: Keep paying for seats on spacecraft or finally fly its own manned vehicle. Imagine if Christopher Columbus did not have a ship to sail to the Americas, the head of the European Space Agency said recently, lamenting that the continent lacked a vessel to "explore the next frontier". "We wil
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Moffett Field CA (SPX) Feb 01, 2022
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is getting ready to give us the best view yet of worlds beyond our own solar system, commonly known as exoplanets. Scientists at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley will be among the first to observe the cosmos with Webb, and they're looking for clues about how exoplanets form, what they're made of, and whether any could be potentially hab
Tuesday, 01 February 2022 05:01

ESA determines new 'space time'

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Paris (ESA) Feb 01, 2022
Since November 2021, ESA's satellites and ground stations have been running on a newly defined, incredibly precise "ESOC time". Measured by two atomic clocks in the basement of the ESOC mission control centre in Germany, this new time determination will bring wide-reaching operational benefits for all ESA missions, making new feats possible in space while adding to our global definition of 'now'
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Montreal, Canada (SPX) Feb 01, 2022
When did the Earth reach oxygen levels sufficient to support animal life? Researchers from McGill University have discovered that a rise in oxygen levels occurred in step with the evolution and expansion of complex, eukaryotic ecosystems. Their findings represent the strongest evidence to date that extremely low oxygen levels exerted an important limitation on evolution for billions of years.
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Beijing (XNA) Feb 01, 2022
China's Mars probe Tianwen-1 extended festival greetings to the Chinese people with stunning video footage captured by a camera on its orbiter to snap selfies above the red planet on Monday, the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year. The video published by the China National Space Administration showed that the orbiter's 3000N engine, propellant tank, attitude control engine and other componen
Tuesday, 01 February 2022 05:01

Almost on the rove again

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Pasadena CA (JPL) Feb 01, 2022
We'll soon be on the move again after shaking loose some pesky pebbles that became lodged in Perseverance's bit carousel. How has the science team been making the best use of our extended stay at the Issole parking space, and preparing for our next phase of science investigations? As outlined in our previous blog post, the team made good progress ejecting pebbles that became lodged in the
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