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Navigation Training Course now open for application!

Written by  Monday, 03 February 2025 13:59
Group picture on the last day of the second edition of the Navigation Training Course

Who can apply?

Applications are open to students enrolled in university who fulfil the following criteria:

  • aged minimum 18 years old; ESA Academy and relevant partners will only appraise applications from students who have no or limited professional experience in relevant engineering or space-related topics;
  • Citizen of an ESA Member State, an ESA Associate Member (Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia) or Canada*.
  • Enrolled as a university student for the year 2024-2025 in a Master (i.e., MSc or equivalent), or a Doctoral (i.e., Ph.D. or equivalent) degree programme with a background in engineering, scientific subject with basic knowledge on navigation.
  • Knowledge of GNU Octave would be an asset but is not required.

*Canadian students enrolled in a Canadian post-secondary institution may apply for additional support from the Canadian Space Agency through this Announcement of Opportunity (grant applications should be submitted at least 7 weeks before the course delivery and account creation 3 weeks before the submission deadline – create an account soon!). This additional support is to cover costs that are not already covered by ESA for selected Canadian post-secondary students.

Selected students will be required to attend the entire 5-day training course at ESEC and the preliminary online tutorial. They will be sponsored by ESA to cover accommodation and meals, as well as up to 350 Euros for traveling to Belgium.

ESA is committed to achieving diversity and creating an inclusive professional environment. To this end, we welcome proposals and applications from all eligible candidates irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, beliefs, age, disability or other characteristics. The ESA Academy strongly encourages inclusiveness within its programmes and within participating teams, which contributes to the enrichment of our programme.

Whenever possible, we seek to accommodate individuals with disabilities by providing the necessary support, either digitally or at the location of the training. In case of any questions or specific needs, please reach out to to get assistance or advice during the application process.

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